Blue sky checkup number two. Over the past week and a bit I have prepared for and built up to the start of building my bridge. I have purchased my Popsicle sticks, glue and I am ready to work. The previous weekend I didn’t get to work because […]
Seaworld Debate Movie
Will write blog post when I have time here is the video anyways (because it’s due right?)
Why Nash is Trying to be a Kid Engineer and Build a Bridge.
For my blue sky project I have chosen to base my question around something some very real and close to me. When I graduate and move on engineering is something that is a possible life choice for me, so I chose to base my project around engineering. I wasn’t sure about what engineering to do […]
Bloge post 7
The final stretch, our group has created a good blueprint, machine and movie that will only get better with revision. Everyone is a skilled worker and we chose the fields that we excel a little better at to maximize quality and it has turned out well. Not everything goes 100% smoothly, we have to […]
Blog post 6
This week we have made advances on our second second to final blue print, great innovations on our physical machine and are inching closer to a finished movie. This week was filled with productivity, problems and solutions, building, drawing and all round positivity and progress. The engineers, Michael and Zak are […]
Blog post 5
My group has created a simple machine with some complex parts, it is based around four downwards slanted wooden slopes and it includes simple machines that represent major events during the English civil war, they are related throug metaphors. Over the past classes we have been building up to the […]
Bloge post 4
This week I’ll be writing about my group, our progress, my personal progress, our chemistry and the things we’ve done. My group consists of Chris, Gabi, Anatolia, Zak, Michael and me. We kinda got shafted and got the revolution, the English Civil war (lamest), the group and I all have good chemistry because we all […]
I’m Napolean invading Russia
Me and michael for out third joint blog post we each have created a edit that depicts Napoelons failed invasion of Russia, I have created a modern interpretation of the invasion, it features the current leader of France and the current leader of Russia with modern soldiers. If you want a better view of the beautiful […]
American Revolution blog post 2
During our time learning about the American revolution we learned a lot, I didn’t have too many left over questions when we moved on to the French Revolution. After brain storming with michael we decided that one thing we didn’t learn about a lot about but we both like, money. We were inquisitive about what […]
The English Civil War blog post.
Me and Michael have created a rant about King Charles the first who royally messed up. The question that our rant answered is “why was King Charles the first beheaded?” We tried to point out Charles’s major mistakes and wrong doings that lead to his beheading. We followed the style of Rick Mercers rants as […]