Mexican American War Explain Everything Refection

Michael, Chris and I have made an explain everything that condenses the American Mexican War into roughly three minutes. The process was a lengthy procedure that spanned from February seventeenth to now. I worked with a group of Hight Tech High students in California to create the very first version of the EE, Michael was […]

Sea World Debate Reflection – Affiramtive

Over the past few months I took part in a debate concerning the ethics around keeping cetaceans in captivity.  I was on the affirmative arguing against them being kept captive. After going through the motions and completing the debate I look back on it with pleasure.  I enjoyed participating in the debate, doing the research, […]


Topic 3 For this TWIL I am going to create a newspaper article on the death of Mercutio and Tybalt. I am going to create this newspaper article in a third person view of the scenario. I am going to try and re-create the scene and make it into a modern newspaper clipping. “Yesterday during […]

Portfolio Reflection.

Performance and effort. This term my performance and effort have been very high, I’ve tried my hardest in every aspect of my work. I try to perform to the best of my ability. I have achieved a high grade in this course which reflects my effort and performance, but I still believe there’s room for […]

Growth in Science.

During science in first term I created a keynote project on Phenylketonuria. This was the first time I’d ever used keynote and I think that it turned out very well. I started the project by choosing Phenylketonuria off a list of fifteen or so genetic mutations. I then went through a list given to the […]

The Fonkey aka World Destroyer

I learned important things about iMovie from doing this Frankenstein stuffy project. I learned that you could use a green screen to make you movie better, I liked working on the iPad because it was more simplified compared to the computer and it could do most of the things that the computer could do. I […]

The 12th man

The 12th man is the fan base of the Seattle Seahawks. There passionate enthusiastic fans that care about football and there teams success. The Seahawks won the Super Bowl during the 2013-14 season with help from there fans Our process of creating our movie was very flexible, we didn’t completely rely on Seattle for our […]