Hello everyone, this is my learning portfolio post on my mid-year presentation of learning! What is a mid-year presentation of learning you may ask? Well it’s an essential part of my reapplication into PLP (performance learning program). I need to make a presentation on my learning this year so far. I will include the links to my other blog posts later, but first, my driving question: How might I earn good grades while still having lots of free time? One answer I have come up with is to use my time wisely. You see, I have a habit of procrastinating sometimes, and that even happens in school, not just at home. Here’s an example of a time I didn’t use my time well at all: Mazer tag
Another thing I could do is put I more effort. I have a gigantic tendency to put in very little effort into most things, or at least, schoolwork. More effort will mean better quality of work, earning better grades for me. Here’s an example of when I needed to put in more effort: Star Wars: a mini-blue sky project
finally, I will need to problem-solve more. By this I mean that sometimes I’ll be working on a project on my own, and I’ll run into a problem. Now, instead of looking in the basecamp app for a solution, or coming up with a way to work around it, I sometimes simply use it as an excuse not to do my work. Here’s an example of this: the media is the message. Why is it not linked? I think this is an even better example than if I had it, because it shows that I’m not lying about finding a way to not do work.
However, there have been plenty of highlights of my learning, such as getting to use an iPad, and the associated tools. For example, right below, a drawing I made in sketches pro as a response to our class reading of “The Book Of The Lion” by Micheal Cadnum
On the positive note, here is a picture that I took on our next field trip after the Oregon trip, taken inside a Buddhist temple
I would like to thank you for your time, and to end it off: here’s some food for thought: what would you do to improve if you were in my position?