The Late Press Release

Welcome back everyone, and today it’s time to post something already kinda posted, but it was really just included in another post. The suspense must be killing you, I’m sure. Well, just as a theory, what if I just didn’t say? I could simply cut off this post here. I’d get a terrible grade, but I could totally do it. I’m not gonna, but I could. Anyway todays post is about the press release of the amazing, unrivalled, yet divided and unstable United Party Of Canada*.

*Disclaimer: not ACTUALLY an official Canadian political party

Now, I may have explained this only 2 posts ago, but people forget easily and I am required by my education to explain this so I will. A press release is almost exactly what it sounds like. Namely, it is when one releases their intentions to the press, no matter what the subject may be. In this case, a political party making a public announcement of their political promises and goals should they get elected into office. Of course, many political parties may leave their press releases intentionally vague, leave things out, or flat-out lie to complete whatever their true goals may be. Of course, while political parties are, of course, biased, as general rule news outlets and even average people are as well. Examples being that a news channel can choose what they report, and from which perspective they report it, and that people who believe a certain thing may very well refuse to accept other points of view.

So, I suppose it’s worth talking about the party itself, isn’t it? Well, the united party of Canada is a left-wing party, socialist, to be more exact. Now, I know the word “socialist” might scare you off, as it is often associated with the “communism” of the Soviet Union, but hear me out. The political scale is often seen as THE representation of the range of politics, however if you look closer, you’ll find that both socialism and anarchism are much less authoritarian, while communism is far different. If this is so inaccurate, there must be a better measurement, right? Well, as a matter of fact, there is. The political compass test measures one’s political position by both left/right economics, and authoritarian/libertarian politics. In this test, you’ll find completely different, and more accurate, results. For example, the Nazi party wasn’t actually very right-wing, there were pretty centrist, however, they were VERY authoritarian. At the same time, communism is also very authoritarian, whereas socialism is quite libertarian. With that our of the way, the united party of Canada fights for the rights of the people, as all are equal, the redistribution of wealth, as some have far more than they deserve, and the restructuring of government, as it is currently insufficient. For more details, read the press release above.

All great things must come to an end, oh, and this post too. So, on that note…


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