What’s that? Oh hello there! You must be a new fan! What’s that? You aren’t a fan? Well soon you will be. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself, I am YoBoyNyate, King of the domain of YoBoyNyate. Anyway, you probably came here for something you DIDN’T already know, so here’s something to find out.
This world is considered “not real.” I know, crazy right? Well anyway it’s part of some force called the “Internet.” Too much? My child, if you embrace the path of this world you will be educated. You will learn the power of this realm. If you’re REALLY lucky, you might get some snacks out of it, but you don’t get cheetos, the cheetos are MINE!
There are many groups you can join in this place, like appreciation cults for PewDiePie, Danny Devito, Keanu Reeves, Dr. Phil, Thanos, Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, and Will Smith. Don’t know them? Well then, just leave, I don’t want to talk to you anymore.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, please don’t leave, I need comments to feel like I’ve accomplished something, just please leave a comment and follow me. 1 comment = feed me a crumb, and 1 follower = give me a drop of water. I need your gratification to survive.
All that aside I just need you to sign some documents, and… hey, why are you sleeping? Am I boring? WAKE UP! Ok, fine, you’re now free from this realm, go off and live your life, but please, seriously, follow me and leave a comment.
As a sidenote, this was a really cringe sample page made almost 3 years ago, and today, it’s even more cringe than it was back then. Things have happened to change my perspectives on the previously mentioned individuals. for example, I can say for a fact that I only knew who Ben Shapiro was from the clips of the meme review he did with PewDiePie, who I’ve literally based this entire blog off of. It’s cringe, I know. It’s awful, I know. I should change this, I know. However, no matter who we are, we cannot change our past. We can only look to future.
Until next time.