This is my mind map I created about plate tectonics

Hi, this is my blog about my most recent scimatics project. In this project we made a book about plate tectonics, it could be about whatever you wanted but had to include at least 10 key concepts from the text book. We worked on this project for about 4 weeks. We started by planning the book, then making it, and finally drawing pictures for our book.


I improved many things while making this book and ill share some of them with you. The first thing I improved on was implying and innovating. Before this project I didn’t k now anything about making a book. Then when we started figuring out the different categories for making a book I learned what book I would like to make. Then I kept improving my knowledge and applying that to my book when I created it. I had top think about what would  be appropriate for grade 4-5’s and what interest them. So, I made sure to include lots of pictures to help tell the story and give them a sense of what thing would look like.

Divergent plate boundary
         Divergent plate boundary

Another area I improved on was evaluation. Before I just kind of made things and read it over a little bit then handed it in. Then it changed when we started planning and making our plate tectonics book. I had to evaluate my work to make sure there was very little to no spelling errors.Then I had to evaluate it again to make sure kids in grade 4-5 would understand what was going on in the book. By the end of our project I think I improved this skill a lot, now I can properly evaluate my work after I’ve finished it to make sure its the best of my ability.

In the end of my project I think these two things are the main things I improved on while making the book. This project really forced me to make something really good and use my class time well, so I don’t embarrass myself in front of kids. Overall it was a great project and I’m looking forward to future projects Mr. Gross has in-store for us.