Back at it again with another blog post, it’s me!

This blog post will be talking about my mPOL. By now, you must be really confused on what a mPOL is. It stands for midterm presentation of learning. This means this blog is going to be all about reflecting on the past term in PLP.


Let’s start with the positives from this term (always a good thing). I enjoyed most of the projects this year and I think I performed well on a couple on them.

I think one of the project I did well on was the advertising unit. Here’s a quick summary- we had to interview a local business here in Deep Cove, collect information about them and their products and then create an advertisement for them. I don’t think I had my best work on this advertisement, but I really liked the idea of constructive criticism and how it played out with our advertisements. Where I really thought I did well on this project was creating the advertisement for the Oregon business. I felt as though I put my best work forward and with the help of the teachers and fellow students, I was able to create a pretty good advertisement.

Here’s a picture of my final draft

To read more about the advertising unit, click here

Another project I thought I did well on was the Star Wars unit.

For this project, we had to make an inquiry question about the Star Wars universe and answer it in detail. I thought that I came up with a very interesting question and came up with some good research to answer my question. I also made a poster board to help explain my question. Overall, I think I put some good work forward on this project.

To read more about the Star Wars unit, click here

We also did a unit on having a growth mindset, which is about learning from your failures and improving on your mistakes instead of giving up. To read more about that, click here. I thought that unit was really interesting because having a growth mindset could apply to so many things in the real world.

Another project we did was the worldview unit. On this one, we worked on establishing a worldview for ourselves and then learned about the different types of religions and the way they’d view the world. This project was interesting to me because I was brought up Christian amd learning about other religions was incredibly interesting. To read more about the worldview unit, click here

Going onto science now. We had to do a project on the states of matter and I think fellow student Kyle and I did really well explaining the states of matter and their properties. Unfortunately, I don’t have the video that we made, but I thought it was really good.

I also think some other things I do well in the classroom is participating in class discussion. I also prefer to write things down rather than draw them.

Now this is the part of the segment where we talk on what things I could improve on (cue dramatic music). Unfortunately (or fortunately) I can name the rings that I need to working pretty easily. Here goes:

1. Staying focused in class. I don’t know why, but I talk wayyy too much in class and I need to cut it down because sometimes I miss what the teachers says and I then get behind on work because I dont know what is going on. I think I way I can fix this is to stay to myself and sit with people that i know I won’t get distracted with

2. Procrastination. Fairly enough, I think everyone suffers from procrastination and I am no stranger to it. Sometimes I lack the drive to get the work done and I just need to get it done.

3. Not letting my iPad bother me. Sometimes in class I get distracted by my iPad and I just need to listen to the teacher.

I believe that these 3 problems are fixable for next term and I think with a bit of effort these problems can be solved.

I’m looking forward to next term and hopefully it can be without too many problems and with a lot of success!

Until next time,
