Hello and welcome back to another blog post!

Recently we have been looking at light and its influence on the world today. It was a very interesting and confusing unit.

We started the unit off by learning about light in itself. We looked at how fireflies generate their own light along with other animals. Due to a chemical reaction, the fireflies generate their own light because of something called bioluminescence. I thought this was cool to learn about because I was always somewhat curious as to how it happened.

We then watched a couple short documentaries about light and the properties of light. One of the ones we watched was about the Islamic scholars and how they influenced our understanding of light today. They also had amazing inventions and theories about this.

I couldn’t find the video for you guys, sorry!

We also did a couple of labs using light and exploring how it bounces off mirrors and reflects in multiple directions. For this we used baffles (which baffled me) and the thingies that showed light. Ms Klausen really was helpful explaining how we do it. For one of them we used bi concave and convex mirrors and experimented to see how the light would react. Here’s what you found out:

Bi convex straight on⬆️

Bi convex from 45 degrees⬆️

Bi Concave straight on⬆️

Bi concave from 45 degrees.

I thought this unit was fun and interesting to learn about.

Well, I think that pretty much wraps it up!

Until next time..