Hello again everybody!! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Things are going to be a little different this year. Instead of big, long blog posts, I’m going to be giving you readers more frequent, but shorter posts.

Let’s get right into this post then. We recently started a new unit in humanities with a very interesting driving question: How does land impact our identity? This question picks up right where we left off last year. Worldview and identity are 2 similar topics. My definition: worldview is a way you view the world. Identity, however, is how the world views you.

On the first day of school we were tasked with writing a paragraph on how land shapes your identity. I wrote about how where you live can affect your job opportunities. For example, in Vancouver there are unique jobs you can take such as working in a port. I also wrote about how where you live can shape your identity with religion. For example, growing up in somewhere like India you’d likely be in the Hindu religion. I thought that was eye-opening to write about.

We also created a video in class about how where we live shapes our identity. Here’s mine: