Hello everyone and welcome to the final week of the student blogging challenge! I thought this day would never come.

This week was all about reflection, which is fitting. There were two options for this week: complete a survey reviewing the student blogging challenge or write a reflection about the whole thing.

It turns out that the survey was closed because this post is a bit late, so I’ll be writing a heartfelt reflection about the student blogging challenge for all you readers out there.

Without further ado, my review of the student blogging challenge.

Let’s look at some numbers from this challenge. There were:

9 posts

2 pages

Over 4000 words written

10 weeks completed

4 comments on my blog

To be honest, at first I wasn’t too thrilled at the idea of this challenge. Our teachers had started us 3 weeks late on the challenge and catching up wasn’t a lot of fun. But over the course of the ten weeks, I think it started to grow on me a little bit. I didn’t mind writing the posts every week and by the end of it, I was thriving for my blog post to be one of the one’s that they featured at the end of every week. It provided motivation for me and I started to enjoy writing them. Although I didn’t achieve my goal, I was still proud of the work that I put into this challenge.

If I were to rate my 3 favorite weeks of this challenge it would look something like this:

1. Week 7. Week 7 was a personal favourite of mine. This week was a freebie week, so I chose to write about golf. I talked about my tournament results and made a short video. I really enjoyed putting together that post. Check it out here!

2. Week 8. Week 8 was fun for me in a few ways. This post was all about festivities. I wrote about how Christmas is always fun for me and about how my family has different traditions than most people. This post was fun for me to write because it was easy to write about Christmas. Check that post out here!

3. Week 4. Week 4 was pretty fun for me. This week was all about emojis. I downloaded this app that was pretty fun and I turned my friends into emojis. I enjoyed writing this post because it was legitimately fun to write and I didn’t force it. Check it out here.

To sum it up, the student blogging challenge ended up being a pretty good experience. Although it was boring at times and I thought some of the challenges were kind of dumb, I think that in the end it was worthwhile. It was fun partcipating and finding out what the next week’s challenge would be. Overall, it was not bad.

This is going to end the student blogging challenge for me. I hope you enjoyed reading the weekly instalments and as always, see you guys later.
