“Insert inspirational quote here”

SBC Week 6

Hello again and welcome back to another blog post!

As you should know because you’ve been reading all my posts (right?), our class has been doing a weekly blogging challenge. Students all over the globe are participating in it and PLP is taking part. This week is week 6 of the challenge.

This week has a pretty broad topic: Science. We could choose any topic from the broad spectrum of science, as long as it was interesting to you. I chose to do chemistry.

The dictionary definition of chemistry is “the branch of science that deals with the identification of substances of which matter is composed.”

Now, most people would think of chemistry as mixing stuff in test tubes and science-y stuff like that. When someone mentions chemistry, the first thing that comes to mind for me is a scientist wearing a white lab coat, wearing safety goggles and precariously pouring some crazy concoction into a tube.

I decided to try and go a bit deeper into what chemistry really is. I used a website that we used in science to try and understand what makes up atoms. Using protons, neutrons and electrons, I was able to create elements such as helium.

To make your own elements, check out the website!

Here are some fun facts about chemistry:

– The only two metals without a distinct silver colour are bronze and gold

– There are 118 elements on the periodic table (as of 2015)

– dry ice is actually the solid form of carbon dioxide

– DNA is flame retardant (can’t catch on fire)

– helium is lighter than the air around it and that’s why it floats

These facts are great and all, but I wanted to push my learning a bit farther with the topic of chemistry. I decided to look into how chemistry can help out our environment. I started off my research by finding this great video. I suggest you take a look.

The video has some very interesting ideas. To summarize, they have this machine (based in Squamish). It draws in Carbon Dioxide from the air with this big fan. They take out the Carbon from carbon dioxide and mix it with hydrogen. They then refine it. Hydrogen and carbon together basically makes a gas which has the power and capability to power cars, trucks and even planes.

This technology is incredibly innovative because it takes away the need for fossil fuels with a more natural efficient way. Also, by taking in the carbon they are doing the planet a favour as well. They take in the carbon dioxide layer blanketing the earth, making the earth a more clean place. However, the technology that they have is still very new. Lots of people and companies still haven’t discovered this. But I think it could be a very cool solution.

Lastly, I’m going to leave you with two truths and one lie. It’s your choice whether to answer them, but two will be true facts and one will not be. Have fun!

1. There are currently 118 elements on the periodic table

2. Matter is anything that takes up space (or has mass and volume)

3. Water’s scientific name is H30

Comment down below the answers!

Well, that’s going to wrap up week 6! If you know about chemistry and want to tell me more, comment down below!

Until next week,



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