Hey, it’s me again

This blog post is going to be all about having a growth mindset. Now, I’m sure you don’t really know what that is (unless you’ve gone through maker 8). I’m here to explain it to you.

Having a growth mindset summed up into one sentence basically means that you take setbacks and learn from them and always strive to improve.

If you’re still confused, here’s a picture that basically covers it

This picture will give you a good idea of what a growth mindset is.

In our class, we have a ITunes U course we’ve been using since the first day of school. This course is the equivalent of a binder, to put it in a understandable way. It had sections that we learned and those sections had assignments for each part.

The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset basically opposes everything a growth mindset would do. Here’s an example: Let’s say two people wanted to try and play baseball. They had never even heard of it before. Person one (let’s call him Juan) had a growth mindset. Person two (let’s call him Heffe) had a fixed mindset. They both went into the tryouts and sucked at baseball. Juan, with a growth mindset, decided to learn from his failures and and try harder to succeed. Heffe, with the fixed mindset, decided he would quit because he was terrible.

Just by using this example, I think you should be able to tell the big diifference between a growth mindset and fixed mindset.

In PLP, we are getting taught how to have a growth mindset. We watched some videos on how to improve your mindset, and how you need to fail.

Feel free to watch them!

We were also asked to write a paragraph about someone we thought has shown a growth mindset. I wrote about golfer Jordan Spieth. I thought he showed a growth mindset when he lost a major tournament in 2014 after leading it for most of the tourney. He trained harder then ever and and won the same tournament in 2015.

We also had to create some sketchnotes on an app called paper 53. We reflected on the videos we watched which are up there.


You can also use a growth mindset in everyday life. If you fail at something, you shouldn’t give up. For example, when I started playing golf, I was terrible. But now, after playing and practicing a lot, I finished 18th in the B.C. provincial tournament.

Our last project we’ve done is the selfie project. We were told to come up with a good long term goal. Once we had that, we had to take a nice photo of ourselves and then to top it off, put the goal on top of the picture.

Here’s my first draft. The text is not visible and there’s too much space

My second draft was still not great. The text was more visible, but in a bad spot.

I cut down the empty space a bit on my third draft, but the photo needs a filter and the text could be moved a bit

I added a filter to the photo and used the app Snapseed to add a vignette filter to it. I also made the text more upright and also cut down on the photo even more.

Anyways, that’s pretty much a wrap!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,
