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During this whole year I have learned and grown a lot. I have learned many new and different things that has surprised me and made me a better student, leader and learner. 

I will be sharing this through five different subjects, and with each one I will give examples of growth in learning, and also how hard I worked in that subject to do well.


Ex: comic pirate.

Pirate comic blog. 

In humanities I have done a lot of cool projects that have shown my learning and growth but the one I am most proud of and represents my learning the best is my ahoy matey Comic project. Our class had been assigned to create a comic about a explorer because we were studying early age of exploration. In this project I spent at least two days planning and drawing and creating our comic. I had some how been assigned more work than usual, and had to take charge of the project. I had to communicate to my group all of our problems and how we could fix them, something that might have been more difficult in past for me, but now I felt I had grown more as a leader and this communication was just something that had to be done.

Away from the leadership part, I used multiple technical skill that I had learned over the year to creat these images. Since we wanted this to be a very professional looking comic, we had to use many apps to shad, sketch, trace, and out line or characters. This would be no easy task for “ beginning of the year Noah” but now, no problem for me.

One other thing that also helped me grow from this experience is that I learned from failure. The first drafts of this did not really work, but we learned from little things and built on them to craft an even better final product. I think this part was crucial in our succession.


Ex.time machine.

time Machine reflection. 

 The time machine was an excellent example of learning. The first major thing I did in this project was try something I had never done before. This was something I had not done before especially not on a project this big, something that would never even have crossed my mind in the beginning of the year because I was used to just doing what I am good at. Well nope not this time. 

This shows my learning because I am able to explain what I have learned in a different way. I once heard from some one that “ you know when you have mastered the topic if you can explain to someone in a different way” this shows that I have a firm understanding of goal setting, time management and more. This also shows something that I had to work on from the beginning of the year and that was going deep into my topic when I had just started PLP it was more difficult for me to dive deep into the topics that I was working on, and I think one thing that I did better in this project was going deep into my topic and putting my best work out there.

But with all that aside the reason I chose this project was because of how proud I was when I finished it. This was not an easy project, and if you click the link to by blog above you can see that there was a lot of time an effort that was put into this project. So when I was finally done and I had handed in that blog, I was very proud with myself. 


Ex: DI / Blue sky.

In Maker I have done a lot that was new to me at the start of the year. I have had to present things in front of crowds and make things with small amounts of materials, but most of all I have really stenches my comfort zone. I think this through out the whole year has really made a difference about how confident I am in my work and the way I communicate to people. 

Like in DI when we had to craft and present our team solution to a challenge in front of a lot of people. But during the creating aspect I had to do things that my past self would never had done, I even wrote a song and presented it ( that was a big one for me). But all of this taught me that stepping out of your comfort zone is a really good thing, it lead me into interesting situations that helped me be more confident in everything that I do. This project really have me a different perspective on presenting because now I was more ready and could now see that it was not the biggest deal to present here and there.

Also bits of leadership because I had to take control of what was going on and make sure that everything was going accordingly. This leadership did help us but what I think also helped was when everyone was able to listen to other ideas and instead of just not caring of not paying attention, actually put some thought behind those suggestions, and that is what allowed us to do well in DI. 

I second thing that I will mention quickly is Blue Sky. I know that it’s not fully done yet and that everyone is still finishing but I want to share how it has helped even the littles bit. It has helped me with redesigning, because just in the thought process I had to come up with many ideas and most of them where very unreasonable, so I had to re think and modify my designs to create something that would help, but something that I could accomplish as well.


Ex: math

In math I have learned how to look at a problem in different ways. Since math is made up of many different types of equations and strategies to solve these equations, there are usually different ways to look at math. For example we are doing algebra, and one things that helped me though it was always looking for a way to adapt the equation to make it easier to solve.

Math has also thought me to not give up after not finding the right solution, because getting it right the first time is good, but learning why you did not get it right the first time is better. It also feels good when you solve the problem but also understand what went wrong and how you can make sure that you can get the right answer right every time after that.

 One of my goals from the beginning of the year for myself was to work on problem solving in math especially. And I think now I can say that I have developed enough and have a much better understanding of problem solving. This was definitely something that has devolved me as a student because in PLP I am pretty sure I use problem solving just about every day. So by working toward building this skill, I think it has really helped me in the long run.

There is not much else I can say about math since we haven’t done any projects yet.


Ex:  eye ball dissection/ science.

On thing that I am really proud of in science is our eye ball dissection. This was fun but also made us use our knowledge on the eye to properly dissect the eye. This also was interesting because it put some people in uncomfortable situations or doing something they had never done before. Personally for me this was a great experience but also one that I would like to do again.

One other thing that was important that I took out of science is a good habit of working. In science it is mostly up to you, it’s not like people are going to chase you down and demand your work. It’s 100% up to you to understand what’s going on in class and what your topic is. So science helped me build a good work habit and stay on track. This skill can now apply to basically every other subject I have and makes working more efficient and easier to do.


On a complete different note there is one other thing that has been a challenge to keep up with but has worked out for me ok, and that is my sports life. I play almost seven days a week and am always training, but I am able to keep up with all my school work as well because of all the things I have learned in PGP, humanities, maker, science and math ( well maybe a little less from math). All these classes have taught me different important lessons that have keep me on track with all of my school work and other school related events. Comparing this to last year there is massive change. I feel like I have developed and learned some much more from Elementary that will go on and help me in future years.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.


that’s all for now.

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