Hello there and welcome to weekly post number 7. For this weekly post I have a lot less to talk about as the classes changed at my school so I have only had a few days in class to talk about our new topic, WWII. As for the podcast, well if you heard the last bit of my podcast you the know that I will be making another episode soon with the topic being WWII. However for this post I wanted to talk about a soldier who we have learned about in the last few days, I think his story is really interesting and should be shared with you guys.
In the last few days we have been looking at some stories from people who have been part of the military and participated in major wars, however there was one person who I thought had a very interesting story. His name is Halmut Lemke.
My class and I already listened to about five minutes of his story, and just from that little clip I was interested. He was a very young boy who lived in Germany when Hitler became prime minister and because he lived in the country side near Poland, he was able to hear and see the German army going to invade. However what really got my attention was when he talked about how the Germans didn’t war either. He goes on to talk about how they prayed that there would be no war, and this was interesting to me because I feel we always viewed the Germans as bad, Nazi loving people, but in reality they are just like any of us. It shows us we can’t atomically judge people based on were they live.
I listened to more of his story in which he told of his time in the military. He gave us a clear image of what it was like to dig out fox holes at midnight, how he avoided Russian soldiers without a weapon. How he was hit with shrapnel from a tank and lived to tell the tale.
He even goes on to talk about what he thought about the Nazi party and wether it was right or wrong to fight for them. His answer was that “there is not right side in war, whatever side you are on is the side you think is the right one”. He said that at the time he believed he was doing the right thing by fighting for the country in which he was born.
Overall his view on war was interesting to me at least, he said that “there are not winners in war, well maybe Germany won because they were able to get rid of Hitler” which is something I can agree on a little bit.
well that was quite a short post, so I hope that next week I will have something longer.
That’s all for now.