My Oregon advertisement reflection.

Oregon Trip Reflections

As I have already mentioned in my last post, my class went to Oregon for 7 days, and while we were there we were assigned a business to create a print ad for. My group (Brenton, Alex and Lauren ) were assigned a zip line company called High Life Adventures. I had never been on zip line before so going for the first time was somewhat scary but I was more excited than nervous.  

We had the best time ever! The instructors were really nice and showed us how to safely have the best time on the zip lines.  After experiencing the zip line, I was even more excited to do the interview. It turns out we learned a lot from the owner, David Larson. Him and his wife Lancey  began the project with 24 acres of land then added 6 more. Here are some of the notes I took during the interview.


So after a long day of zip lining fun I started thinking about my first draft of an ad( I did not actually start until after I got back)! The only hard part about creating an ad was that I had no pictures because I was having so much fun zip lining. So creating the first draft was a challenge but I pulled through, barely.

This is my first attempt.


So with limited pictures, it was hard to make an ad as you can see. Then my classmates and teachers gave me some photos and some good feedback about what to improve on and what I should keep. I felt I had enough to create a decent second draft.


Although my second draft turned out to be much better than my first, there were still some minor issues. The problem was that my font was too white to see what it said, so I either had to change the font colour or move the text around. The second thing was that Matthew looked way too scared of the zip line! I would have to change the picture as well. With all that in mind I made my third draft.


I actually like this one; the colours are good and you can see the text much more clearly. I really like the font and Included the address and website a bit more clearly. The only thing that was bothering me was that I thought the font was too small. Which lead me to my forth and final draft.


These final two drafts were good. They had good sized font that was easily seen. The only thing wrong with the black and white draft was that it looked gloomy and too dark, so I brightened it up so that it was more cheerful. Although doing that meant that I could not use a white font because then you would not be able to see the words. As a result I changed it to a light green so you can see it , but the colour seemed strange to the eye. This choice of green appears because at High Life Adventures all of the instructions wear a glow green sweater.

With all that said, I think there is still some improvement to be done, although comparing this draft with the first one it seems that the drafts have come a long way. Doing this assignment an understanding of how much work goes into these small ads that you don’t always see.

If you haven’t already checked out my other post on my trip to Oregon, I tell a little more about High Life Adventures in that post. Noah’s blog post.

Also I highly advise you check out their website

That’s all for now.

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