Weekly post number five

Welcome to weekly blog number five, there are some very cool things I want to cover this week which I thought were very interesting and I also have great news about the podcast as well. So lets jump right in.

This was the final week for our podcasts, everyone was rushing around trying to get interviews to help support their argument in their podcast, others were recording ambient sounds all around us. Some had even started mixing all of their audio together as well to create a base for their podcast. As for me, well I had got everything I needed and was beginning to mix it together, which I thought was the best part of the podcast. I had total control over what went where and how I wanted it to sounds, I also had a bunch of fun creating music and intros and conclusions for the podcast.

It is so close to being ready for release, by next week hopefully it will be available for everyone to listen to, so make sure you stay tuned for that release date coming soon.

Moving on, during this week I learned a lot, things like sound editing and getting great interviews, how to format our podcasts, however one thing stood out in particular to me. It was when we were learning about mixing, which is the process in which someone mixes together different clips in order to make them flow better. The person who we watched to the mixing video said that these techniques were often used by sound engineers, I don’t know about others but personally I haven’t heard of sound engineers. I know there are mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and many more like that, but sound  engineers were something new and I wanted to know more on what they do. If you want to watch the whole thing the video is below.

According to Connolly Music a sound engineer is the person who is mainly in charge of the tech when recording sound or even in managing live performances. As mentioned in the previous part, another part of their job is mixing tracks so they flow together, they also work with sound creators like artists and work toward mixing their sounds to meet the vision of the artists. In live performances they job is to work with the audio levels to make sure the audience receives the best sound possible.

They are in charge of everything from film and television, to thins like music, radio and even video games. To get into sound engineering, one must go through collage or university and study topics such as science and engineering, this really opens the door and from here one can audio training courses to start learning how to operate equipment.

Personally I had no idea that any of this existed, but overall it sounds quite interesting. I had not know that so many things depended on these people, I knew someone had to be in charge of things like audio in TV shows, movies, and radio, I just had no idea who’s job it was.

To conclude a sound engineer is a very important person who has many jobs that impact our daily lives, without them our lives would be very different. This is definitely something I found interesting and I am glad my teachers brought up so I could have the chance to research it. As for the podcast, well it’s to very close to being done, just stayed tuned for the next post and by then hopefully it will be available.

That’s all for now.

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