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User’s guide Nolan
Brand: flight student
Model Nolan Carey 2000

Product guide

Congratulations on your new flight student Nolan Carey 2000 or commonly referred to as Nolan.
Your new student comes with such functions as.

-listening in class
-a great learner
-An I-pad
-Lots of friends
– internet access


Before you access your new Nolan Carey for the first time you will have to make sure to be nice and treat him super well or we will crash. Your new and approved Nolan Carey 2000 cooperates well with nice people.


Nolan Carey 2000 is easily accessible though.
-I message
-and other key apps
You can reach Nolan Carey 2000 via I message at nolanc@seycove.ca
Or email at nolanc@seycove.ca
Nolan Carey 2000 is much more likely to respond faster on iMessage then any other tool(the tech support is still trying to solve the glitch).

The Nolan Carey 2000 has new features such as, I-pad and grade 9 skills. The tech crew thought that I-pad would not only make the new model faster at processing but also ten times easy to reach.


Nolan Carey comes with 3 primary functions student,gamer,regular person

Function 1 Student
Nolan is a great student when we try’s WARNING Nolan is prone to be distracted during talks and has a very short attention so be sure to catch it quick. Although he does come with all thought glitches he does come with some key aspects.

-he doesn’t play games in class
-listens well
-helps out in class
Does not talk when the teacher is

Function 2 gamer
In Nolan’s free time he is either out playing hockey or gaming. This new update tell u all of Nolan Carey 2000’s games
-gta 5
– nhl 14
-and on a rare condition minecraft

Function 3 regular person
On the rarest of occasions u will see Nolan approach with caution because it startled Nolan Carey 2000 will flee. If you do approach with caution and he is not startled say “hello”. You will most likely see Nolan in his natural habitat.

Nolan Carey 2000
-is prone to laughter
-easily distracted
-listen’s well


Nolan often has questions. So constantly ask if he understands

Give good ideas
Fuel with pop

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