California Gold Rush EE

Best evidence of learning/work that could have been improved is definitely my California gold rush explain everything this project was made in November and I forgot about it until now .

I’m not particularly proud of this because the animations are sloppy true script is very un rehearsed and I know if I changed a few small things it could be a way better final project and be a project I would actually be proud of.

I definitely didn’t put enough effort into this project. In the very first clip there’s tons of background noise and in a few slides I didn’t even say San Francisco probably

If I could do thing differently I would change the sound of my voice to make what in talking about actually sound interesting right now it sounds like I’m during of boredom. Also I would try to have more compelling animation. I believe if I were to rehearse the script more and have a more solid ending instead of just saying the end the project would have a way better final outcome

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