Immersive Experience

Exhibition reflection

To say the least this exhibition was a little different. This year we had to do almost like a timeline of early Canada in the 1900’s it started with pre war and ended with depression and we had guests walking through the exhibition and they had to become a part of it.

I think the hardest part of it all bring all of our ideas together. For our group we got the ball rolling fast. We were the Depression so too start we researched the depression in Canada we focused on the high inflation, the drop of crop prices, the lost of jobs in factories, and protesters. After we had all of this researched. We kinda started with three main ideas

What ended up happening is we merged all three almost together. So for life on the farm we had Matthew d 

as a paper boy/police officer  talking about crop prices representing the farm life and as a clever way of people to leave the protest . We had Teva

and Spencer

as the ceo and factory leader representing factory life. Then at the end we had Alanah

as the protester kinda representing the city life an my self (show pic) as a factory worker leading the people who came in.. We tried too in corpse all of Canada indirectly.

One thing that troubled most of our class mates is not having Ms Willemse nor Mrs Hughes here too support us through this journey. They we out for most of the stages for this project. When they got back all we did with them is tell the, what we were going to do kinda run them through what we were thinking.

Once we had our main idea of what we wanted we started building all of our props we needed to making all of our exhibition a success. At the beginning we placed roles or ever one their was a lot of set backs but in PLP we are kinda known for our last minute clutches.

If I could takeaway one thing from the exhibition it would be planning. I know for our group we knew what we were going to do but we didn’t have a plan on how we were going to do that and I feel like if we had a plan the set up for the exhibition would have been a lot less stress full. Overall I think the exhibition was a success when if it didn’t look like we imagined it too be.