Think Paragrapgh

Actual Paragraph 

In the 1970s there was a lot of terrorism prevalent in America. This paragraph is not about why there is terrorism but its about is it truly terrorism if the one “terrorizing” thinks they are doing it for the good of there cause. There’s a saying one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.This whole saying comes from the fact that there is a lense you have to take and that is prospective. Of course killing someone is not good by any means however the fact that the “terrorists” are doing it for a reason. For example the IRA was fighting Britain for the fact that they wanted an independent North Ireland. In this case some people  in Britain will see the IRA as evil trouble makers. However some people in Northern Ireland might agree with the fact of an independent North Ireland. They might see the fighting in as yes violent but its achieving there goal in the fact that its making people think that this is not mutually  good for everyone. We could look at many terrorists organizations but to the people in those groups and the people they are representing behind there cause they are just fighting for there freedom. Also if thats the case what’s the difference between that and a revolution, they are nothing trying too cause change. I am not trying to promote violence because I feel there should be different options that a person can take but its true that one person can be fighting a cause and the other person thinks they are evil.


Making this is hard because i know a lot of people are gong to think this is dumb but I believe it’s true I don’t want to see people get hurt from terrorism acts but we have to understand there is a reason for these acts happening is most cases and its to spark some kind of change and thats what they are trying to do. I like this project in the sense that i get to share my opinion which is nice because it feels like I’m being heard. 

This mini paragraph was rewarding to do because I hardly ever flex my brain muscles and i wanted a challenge so thats why  choose such a hard topic to talk about. This would not have been capable to do this type of reflection if it was for all the research into the topic. Also the informations MS Hughe and Ms Willemse have in there brain. 

My Sources




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