

The best things I’ve learned from PLP have definitely not been the facts or how to get the facts by search things up it would be the mindset behind things. I know in this last year even from summer to now even I’ve developed a better growth mindset towards things. Show pic of wing Wednesday and then di and show blue sky. This is definitely and improvement of how I start the blog post. I kinda used the philosophy of if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it and that’s exactly what I did.

Rocco Perri

Usually when having to do a school project I do it but I don’t usually enjoy it. This time is one of the few I enjoyed. I actually enjoy learning about the mafia. At the beginning of this project I actually didn’t know Canada had “Rum Runners” and bootleggers and it was cool learning about this.


To start this off like always I started with a script the script is always the hardest part for me, and this one was especially had because I couldn’t really find any information of the internet so I had to watch a view videos about bootlegging in Canada and once someone said the king of bootlegging I was instantly hooked. After the script was made and I had the filming was done it was a little boring to be honest so I made the intro and with the dramatic music in the back I think this is a great small story about the king of bootlegging Rocco Perri.

Immersive Experience

Exhibition reflection

To say the least this exhibition was a little different. This year we had to do almost like a timeline of early Canada in the 1900’s it started with pre war and ended with depression and we had guests walking through the exhibition and they had to become a part of it.

I think the hardest part of it all bring all of our ideas together. For our group we got the ball rolling fast. We were the Depression so too start we researched the depression in Canada we focused on the high inflation, the drop of crop prices, the lost of jobs in factories, and protesters. After we had all of this researched. We kinda started with three main ideas

What ended up happening is we merged all three almost together. So for life on the farm we had Matthew d 

as a paper boy/police officer  talking about crop prices representing the farm life and as a clever way of people to leave the protest . We had Teva

and Spencer

as the ceo and factory leader representing factory life. Then at the end we had Alanah

as the protester kinda representing the city life an my self (show pic) as a factory worker leading the people who came in.. We tried too in corpse all of Canada indirectly.

One thing that troubled most of our class mates is not having Ms Willemse nor Mrs Hughes here too support us through this journey. They we out for most of the stages for this project. When they got back all we did with them is tell the, what we were going to do kinda run them through what we were thinking.

Once we had our main idea of what we wanted we started building all of our props we needed to making all of our exhibition a success. At the beginning we placed roles or ever one their was a lot of set backs but in PLP we are kinda known for our last minute clutches.

If I could takeaway one thing from the exhibition it would be planning. I know for our group we knew what we were going to do but we didn’t have a plan on how we were going to do that and I feel like if we had a plan the set up for the exhibition would have been a lot less stress full. Overall I think the exhibition was a success when if it didn’t look like we imagined it too be.

Veteran Diary Log

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How I made my amazing Letter home.

When ms Willemse leaves she always puts us to some type of task to keep us occupied for a little while. This this she gave us quite a bit for work too do. One of the many things she made us do a soldier diary entry. But I  kinda did a twist too mine. At the moment she doesn’t really know about. Instead of doing a Diary Log type thing, I did a soldiers letter home. Even though I didn’t do an diary entry I made it the same way as someone who would have.

So to start off I need to find a deceased war veteran from WWI. To do this ms Willemse kindly gave us a link to the Canada’s Veterans site. After a while, I found a solider with enough information on him/ a solider that I knew I could represent in a good way. At this point I gathered all the information I could about him.

Now I had to analyze the information I had.
So I started reading the primary sources we were given, in my case two newspaper articles

The parts that are highlighted is the beefy part of the information I used.

At this point I had everything in order and I just had to make the final product. I found this the hardest part because when ever I asked someone to read my draft they went about ten words in and said I sounded to much like Nolan. So the hardest part of this project for me was escaping Nolan and trying to become James Lynch.

Hanford Blog Post

The field studies started early this year. Our class went down to the B reactor in Hanford. In the 1940s this was one of the largest nuclear reactors. At the time I just got back from a trip so I wasn’t able to go but my classmates Mike Crema Chloe Talman Anatolia Floe, Gabi Rossignal and I had to make a movie in a short amount of time, everyday that had something to do.

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As you can tell we had a very heavy itnaterary. The days started at 6:30 and didnt really end until after 9:00pm.

While they were touring around Hanford and getting great information about Hanford to complete are project I was in Vancouver researching about all of our topic and getting all of my questions together.


(Movie once it gets uploaded to YouTube)


Are project turned out very well in my opinion but I would have done a few things differently next time around I would have got the transitions cleaner a better into and conclusion to the movie not just my part also. I would have tried to break up the green screen clip because I feel there a little dry.

Are teachers are making us do another draft of the movie so those few things are something I think we are going to try to improve. Overall I think no matter how good our project is their are always things we can tear apart and say we can do better, but I believe our movie is something to be proud of.

Why WWI Began

Why WWI Started

Many scholars have debated why WWI started. These debates started as early as the 1940. For the last week I have been thinking about my own reason WWI started and here it is, WWI started because Germany wanted to imperialism on the trade in the Balkans and they wanted to become a world power because they feared isolation. Instead of writing or making an explain everything or even a rap about this topic I decided to change things up and make a movie with my classmateMatthew Seed about this topic. I hope you enjoy.

How We Made It

There’s a lot more that goes it a movie than one would think. So this is how Matthew and I made our movie. Matthew and I started with a kinda scene to scene overview of what would happen.

-Scene1:- Germany starts building up power to become a world power because they feared isolation.

They can say something like “let’s build up our navy so we don’t get isolated.”

Scene2:-all the countries start throwing shade at each other(dis track) and they all get made and separate

Scene3:- they all start mobilizing their armies

And every country gets scared

Scene4:- Franz Ferdinand gets shot

Scene5:- Germany tries to become a world power and attacks France because they felt isolated by Russia and the surrounding countries in the Balkans

Scene6:- wwI just started

Yea so what do we show? Like maybe something about the fighting? We could do a final dis track or show everyone start fighting.

Then after we got the main ideas we went into a script. The script was the most difficult part in my opinion because we had make historically accurate information and still get the point across. I believe me and Matthew did a pretty good job at this.


Scene 1

Germany: Let us build up our army and navy, ya?

Background Germans: Ya

Germany: To avoid isolation ya?

Background Germans: Ya. What about the Balkan trade don’t we want in. we don’t want those Serbs and Slavs getting all the money.

Germany: Ya that too.

Scene 2

Narrator: The German Kaiser William the 2nd sets out to talk to the world leaders.

Serbia: Yo Austria guess what?

Austria: What?

Serbia: You’re stupid with your 2 kings. We hate you (Gestures to map of Balkans)

Beat drops

Austria: Oh yea?

I’m your ruler I run these streets

But that’s obvious when I spit on these beats

Having two kings is better than one

And when we kill you it will be so much fun


You ain’t gonna with those lame ass rhymes

They’re so bad they should be a crime

Trust me the black hand won’t be so kind

And your dumb ass kings can kiss my behind


Guys stop fighting

This isn’t the right thing

This is getting to heated

I don’t wanna be defeated

Can’t we all just be friends

I want this to end

Bead swirls out

Everyone calms down

Scene 3

Narrator: everyone was worried and all the countries,sss started building their armies. Especially Germany who were ready to mobilize at any moment.

Text: Sarajevo

Franz: what a lovely day to get shot. Only kidding haha

Princip: haha

Gun shots

Narrator: Austria Hungary knew exactly who did this it was the black hand. The Kaiser decided to attack France through Belgium (to make sure they didn’t get attacked from that side) which brought Britain into the fray. And at this point ww1 truly began.

After this came the reality easy part just had to film and edit.

The Golden Years

Before WW1 we were in this time era called the Laurier era or the Golden Years. This era rain for 15 years or from 1896-1911. In those 15 years Canada developed a lot as a country we tried to distance our self from Great Britain and make Canada its own country.

So I made a video about the compromises that Wilfred Laurier the prime minister of the time to both appease the French-Canadians and the English-Canadians. Throughout the video you will learn that what Laurier did and how his decision affected how Canada is today.

Summer Dust Off

This summer wasn’t as exciting as some have been in the past but overall it was pretty good. My most memorable moment was my first Wing Wednesday.


At the Raven Pub (Where I work) they have “Wing Wednesday’s”. A Wing Wednesday is a huge sale on the chicken wings so it attracts a lot of people to the restaurant. This was a big deal because it was one of my first times being the fry cook(The person who makes all the Wings) so it was quite ruff. It was ruff because I lost bills, I burnt food, I dropped food. But that experience excelled my so called skill as a fry cook and made me better for the up coming Wing Wednesdays and other challenges in life.

So overall I am glad that i went though such a ruff experience at first because it set the path to a better future.