Say Goodbye To Our First Project

Welcome to me first blog post. We are just wrapping up our first project of the year, and that means I need to write a reflection. Yayyyyy…. If you didn’t know, our goal was to creatively communicate who I am, and we did this via writing a User Manual and drawing digital sticker stickers.

This was the first project of the year so we went super slowly, and I mean Sllooowww. It took 5 weeks from start to finish. One of the steppingstones took three whole days when it was only supposed to take one. I think this was partly because we were all still learning how to use our iPads and all the new apps. However, this did take a lot of the stress and homework out of the project which I am very glad about. 

The first Milestone was the launch of the project. It introduced how you start a project in PLP. Not gonna lie, it was confusing. I don’t think anybody in my class has worked with “driving questions” or “need to knows”. In the end we stuck up a whole lot of sticky notes on the window explaining what we need to know to complete this project. I didn’t enjoy this milestone because I didn’t get to do much. It was very confusing and not very useful for me.

For the second Milestone we had to create a guideline for our Memoji stickers. I think this really helps in organizing my final project. It keeps me on track and makes sure I have a game plan. In the end  I made some adjustments to the final project but that’s bound to happen. Overall the guideline made the Memoji part of the project pretty stress free, and I will try to continue to make guidelines for future projects.

Part of my Memoji Outline Page

The third Milestone was pretty much the exact same as the second milestone, except this time I had to make a guideline for the actual User Manual. Again I think this really helped with organizing my ideas, and eventually writing the actual thing.

Milestone 4 was what I thought was the worst milestone. It wasn’t necessarily the hardest milestone to complete, it was just the least enjoyable. What we had to do was give feedback on other people’s work.

Some Of the Feed Back I Got

We did this by walking around everybody’s work, kind of like a gallery show. Then we put sticky notes in front of somebody’s work with feedback on it. Now I don’t mind giving feedback, however this new way of giving feedback made me very self conscious. I felt a lot more anxious about it and was very hesitant to put feedback down. In the end I don’t think I gave my best feedback that I could of, and I got almost no helpful feedback for my own work.

Finally, Milestone 5 was the same as Milestone 4, except a lot more enjoyable. This time we were giving feedback one on one. I found this a lot easier and found that I could actually give helpful feedback without being anxious about it. The one part that was pretty tough about this milestone was the fact that we weren’t allowed to just show our work to the other person. Instead we had to think of an elevator pitch explaining what we wanted help on. This made it a lot more challenging because I had to think of what I needed help on, when the one thing I actually needed help on, was thinking of what I need help on. Does… that make sense? Overall I think I gave some good feedback, and actually received some as well.

That’s the entire project! I am quite happy with my finished results. I think it describes who I am as a person pretty well. Overall the first project of the year went quite smoothly, probably because we had twice as much time as we should have, but I’m going to just say that it’s because I’m very organized, and don’t procrastinate about anything whatsoever.

See ya in the next post

Bye :)


  1. Nice work on this reflection Nolan! I’d like to see your User Manual much more featured (was difficult to see at first). Nice to see you reflecting on your learning here and highlighting what worked for you!

  2. Awesome reflection on your Memoji Laptop. I feel you use a great detailed representation of what you created.

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