All The Reasons I Deserve to Not be in Grade 9

Welcome to my grade 9/10 Transition Presentation of Learning. This year has been full of many new experiences, most of them being good, and a few that could still use some work. Today, it’s time for me to reflect, and answer the final driving question of grade 9.

Driving Question:

Why do you feel you are ready to advance to grade 10?

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”




People and the Environment 

Revolutions on Trial

Working with Words

Case For A Nation

 A War to End All Wars: Graphically Told


Over the course of the year I’ve written a lot, some I’m proud of and some that I’m not. I find it hard to judge how good my writing is, but I have found it easier to complete writing assignments and get my thoughts down on the page. The one thing I could improve on in my writing is being more confident when it’s my opinion.   

Biggest Improvement📈: Note Taking



Game of Exponent Laws

Correlation VS Causation

Chemistry Stories

Metaphor Machines

Meiosis Models

– Time is Money


In Scimatics I refined many skills that I’ll be able to use in future projects. The best ones to note would be my presentation and keynote skills.

As well as my teamwork and support of others



Destination Imagination

Believe in Good

Loon Lake

Vibrant Videos

Your First Film

Team work and Collaboration

During the year, I really learned how to work with others in a way that the entire team would be doing something and participating.

Knowing my Strengths

This is most clear between last year’s DI and this year. Last year I was running around trying to do everything, while this year I focused on the things I was good at, and let other people’s strengths carry the other parts of the project.

Rough Draft System

Overall this system never really worked for me as it takes a lot of effort to change such big habits that I’ve been building for my entire life. I think now the best thing  I can have for completing projects is knowing the main point, and having a clear direction to go.

This was the reason why I found the Documentary project and believe in good pretty hard. Both times I got lost in what I was supposed to be doing, and needed a simple goal to get me back on track.

Communication & Stress

Communication is a skill that could reduce stress levels in the future. Better communication with teachers means I can get extensions if I need them, and more help when things don’t make sense.

Stepping outside my Comfort Zone.

Stepping outside my comfort zone was something I did very well, from Loon Lake to Revolutions on Trial, to the interview in my first film. There were multiple times this year in which I pushed outside of my comfort zone to improve my learning.

Thanks for listening and supporting me through this crazy year. I learned a lot about myself, and new skills that can apply to my future.

See you in Grade 10,



  1. Your growth is shown so much! Hopefully you continue to the next year and achieve your extraordinary goals!

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