Do you know that age effects tee shirt colour? If you think that’s sounds crazy, your right. There’s no causation but there is a correlation and that’s what we set off to learn for this project. We had to answer the driving question the difference Between Correlation and causation, learn how to make ethical surveys and how to show our correlations we found. In this project we had to practise and utilize our curricular competency’s. 

The first curricular competency is applying and innovating. The criteria for demonstrating this skill was to use my class time efficiently, learning without distractions and having Good ethics in all our surveys. I made sure that I was always working in class and me and my partners were staying focused. On our survey our questions luckily all had good ethics but we were not surveying any general topics that would have crossed any ethical boundaries anyways. 

The second is communicating and representing. For this competency we had to clearly show to correlations that we found from our survey and show how one is a correlation and a causation and how the other is a correlation falsely associated with causation. Me and my partner had both all these things in our presentation with our correlation (14 year olds wear less colourful tee shirts than 13 year olds) and our causation (bad weather causes bad mood).

Using the skills involved in these three competency’s allowed to help progress to answer the driving question and finish my project. At this point you may wonder what exactly my project was. We ere split into groups of two. Tasked with making our own surveys, then finding a correlation and causation, finally presenting it to the class. Me and my partner finished and I found the answer to the driving, correlation is when two things appear to effect each other but may or may not and causation is when they do for sure.

In conclusion this project helped me improve and develop my skills regarding the curricular competency’s and math and general. I enjoyed this project a lot, it was challenging to master the skills I needed to succeed, our milestones were hard and engaging, and the final product was really interesting and fun to present. If there was one thing I would change it would be more instruction in using the graphing tools. 

Thanks for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed it and learned a little about my project. There are always more blog posts appearing on my blog so stay tuned and I’ll catch you later.