Disney land has been a staple of American culture ever since its creation in 1955. Based of some of the most popular stories ever made, it attracted, and still attracts millions of people each year. But over the last 66 years there have been a fare share of changes. Let’s take a closer look at these changes and see how they connect the real world.
the first change in the park I want to talk about is with a ride called autopia. This ride is one of the original rides in Disney land. Although the ride has mostly stayed the same the things that have changed are very telling. Namely the engines, tires and body’s of the cars. The body’s have just been repainted and relabeled as sponsors have changed. The engines and wheels however have changed to make the ride more fuel efficient. I thought that this showed how even Disney has felt the pressure from consumers to lower its impact on the environment, and shows the increased awareness of climate change in the world.
another change in the park is one not based around a single ride, but changes in many. Examples are the Peter Pans flight and mark twain river raft. Both of these rides had First Nation aspects adjusted or removed because of the changes in what is considered respectful in today’s society. Other rides have been changed because of how they mis represented women or people of colour. This shows how much more aware the world is about racism and sexism, and the greater effort that has been made to remove racism and sexism from society.
overall you can see how Disney land really reflects the changes in modern society from the 1950s. I hope you enjoyed what you read and learned something, more post are always on the way.
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