Another week in the bag! As per usual we had plenty of work this week and also plenty of opportunities to learn. I definitely learned something this week so let me tell you all about it.

On Thursday I had my interview scheduled for the podcast do on Friday. this was definitely a little close timing-wise already. On top of that, I had to do the interview right after class started and go to the library where it was quiet. This gave me little time to set up. Because of this, I decided to record straight into garage band. I feel extremely confident with garage band so I just opened up the app, made a new “song”, and called my interviewee, once he started talking I was just recording into garage band. I thought this should have worked perfectly. unfortunately, I forgot to set up garage band to automatically add more room for recordings so I had only recorded 8 seconds of talking. Thank goodness I realized this quickly and managed to put the length to automatic or I would have missed a really great interview.

This reminded me that when doing interviews I should always test my system beforehand as no matter how comfortable I might feel with something, things can go wrong. I will be sure to remember this for future interviews.