Bears Eat Beets

Owens great blog



Podcast Time!

Project #1: Project Podcast Wow! The first project of the year and boy does it feel good to be back in school! After a long several months of online school being back in the classroom with my teachers and piers… Continue Reading →

The weekly review #1

The beginning of the greatest Canadian project. This was the first week of the, “who is the greatest Canadian?” Project. As it was our first week we got hit with a lot of information all at once and got to… Continue Reading →

What is identity?

For this blog post we have been tasked to write about what we now understand to be identity. This question might have been hard for me to answer before the start of the school year, but in the past three… Continue Reading →

Meiosis Models

Welcome to the blog post for my scimatics project meiosis. This project was all about cell reproduction, and the different ways it happens. We got to learn about Meiosis and mitosis, their differences and similarities and how they work. But… Continue Reading →

Tpols… Hurray?

My first year at Seycove is starting to come to an end. Its weird because in some ways I feel that this time has been so short, but I also feel like I have known all my class mates, peers… Continue Reading →

Witness to History

Welcome to the blog post for my maker project “witness to history”. This project was the first maker project we did during the coronavirus so I had no idea what to expect. Despite not being able to go to school… Continue Reading →

Time Equals The $Dough$

Hi and welcome to my scimatics “Time is Money” project blog post. This project in scimatics was the first one we did during the quarantine but like most of the project we do in scimatics it was super enjoyable. Not… Continue Reading →

The First Ever Online DI Tournament

As I missed the regional DI tournament (what would have been my first DI experience) my first DI tournament would turn out to be a very interesting experience. Because of the corona virus the DI provincials would be held online…. Continue Reading →

DI regionals

The DI regionals have come to an end for PLP and now it is time for me to reorganize and prepare for the upcoming provincials. But before I do that it’s important to reflect on my journey so far in… Continue Reading →

Metaphors + Mr. Goldberg

Welcome to my metaphor machines project blog post. This scimatics project was definitely one of the most fun and interesting scimatics blog posts because we got to build some Rube Goldberg machines that also used circuits. Like the name implies,… Continue Reading →

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