Happy 150 Canada!

This year is Canada’s 150th birthday, and we have been asked to make a short video explaining what Canada means to us. This video will go up on Here’s my Canada, and will be entered to win a prize!


My video is very simple, just me talking to the camera about how multicultural Canada is and how close to nature most of it is. I didn’t do any fancy editing because I thought that special effects would draw the viewers attention away from the point of the video. There was also some nice ambiance in the background, so I didn’t add any music.

When we were first assigned this video I got a clear idea of what I wanted it to be like, but I couldn’t film it until it was nice enough weather. Because of this, I just wrote a plan for what I was going to do. Underneath I wrote a script that I loosely followed while filming. In the end I decided to not film it where I originally planed. I had planed to film it on McCartney Creek Trail which is a short walk from my house, but I decided to film it in my back yard.

I chose to talk about multiculturalism because in the recent times of war, poverty and, in some places, racism, lots of people are moving/fleeing to Canada. And a few months after those people move, they will no longer be living in fear and war. They will be safe, and they wont have to be scared or sad. This to me is really important, people being safe and not scared of war or needing to participate in one.

If you’ve seen the video, you will know I talk about how close to nature most of Canada is. I thought talking about it would bring up something I hear a lot of when people talk about their visits to Canada. “It’s beautiful” “Its so close to nature” “I’d love to live near a forest there”. Lots of popular places in Canada are close to nature, and if they’re not… you’re not in Canada.

That’s what I love about Canada; its very multicultural and safe for immigrants. It’s also beautiful and close to nature. Happy 150 Canada!

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