This project was all about molecules and the kinetic molecular theory.
The point of this project was to teach us about the kinetic molecular theory and then make a game or simulation representing it in scratch.
We started out by making a mind map about what we already knew and questions we had. After that we started doing some work sheets that would help us learn more and understand this subject a bit better. We then did a short experiment with the density of rocks to learn a bit about density and how it relates to our project. After we had gained enough understanding we started to code our game in scratch.
Personally I think that scratch is a bit finicky and weird to use but it was easy to get used to and get the hang of it. Scratch is a simple block coding website that is good for making short games, so it worked for our project. At the start of making the game I didn’t have many ideas but after I decided to make a game / simulation code it was much easier then I thought it would be. My plan was to make a house that you could walk around in and interact with three stations that represent each state of matter. After interacting it would show a small simulation of the state. It actually turned out not too bad and I was quite happy with it.
On the morning before presenting I checked my project and it hadn’t saved properly so I had to try to fix it before presenting. I got it done but it was definitely not as good as before.
In the end I was happy with how it turned out.
after we finished we made a end of project mind map.
This showed what questions were answered and a bit of what we learned. Overall I enjoyed this project and was happy with the results.
I think that I showed questioning and predicting in the mind map because It had questions and answers and showed what I thought I already knew.
I think that I showed scientific communication in my scratch project because in the house there were scientific models of atoms and there were also a few simulations of states of matter.
I think that I did Reasoning and analyzing when making the code of my project, it was a bit long and sometimes complex but it was fun and not too hard to get the hang of.