Game of exponent laws 🎲

For this project the goal was to learn about exponent laws and get better at dealing with them in equations, then use our new learning to make a board game to share with the class. We started by making a mind map to show what thoughts we already had about exponents and what we think we already knew. I found that there were only a few questions I had about exponents because I didn’t know much about them at the beginning of the project. We were then put into partners to start the project. This is my partners blog.

Right at the beginning of the project we started experimenting with different ways to use simple math in a simple game using some dice. This gave us some beginning ideas of what we were going to try to make in this project. We also started working on some practice questions and started to learn each exponent law.

We started to make ideas on how our board game would work and what it would be about. We decided on a first to finish style board game with a exponent twist. We then started to put our best ideas together and make some basic rules for the game. We made multiple drafts and were constantly changing important parts of the rules in order to make it easy for players to understand and read.





Then we started to work on our physical game pieces and game board. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to print a 10 x 10 row board that is about 22 x 30 inches but once I figured it out it seemed that the best option was to divide each part of the board onto a separate piece of paper, so the board was divided between 6 pieces of paper. We then go a large cardboard square and stuck the paper on as best we could then write each symbol on the spaces. After the board was done I started to draw the cards that we were going to use for our game they look like this.

After I finished drawing them I printed them out and cut added them to our game. In our game we had 3 decks of cards but weren’t able to print out the number cards for our game, so we used a normal deck of cards which was the biggest problem of our project. Once all the pieces were made our game was basically done.



Reasoning and analyzing:

I think that we made a good points system and had a reason for them other that just some points, for example we used them also as an in game currency. I also think that we used logic to create a game that was balanced and fair for the players. The only negative feedback given was that we should have hand made the number cards.

Communicating and representing:

We made a clear set of instructions that shows exactly how to play the game that included 4 exponent laws as well as examples of game situations and reference images. I think that our game showed a good understanding of exponent laws and the math involved which was the base of this game and the project.

Applying and innovating:

I worked well as a team with my partner and we used each others ideas to create the best product we could have in the time that we had. I think that we both contributed equally and used our time and were able to make a pretty good game in the that was able to be presented on game day.

In conclusion I believe that this was a fun project and involved a lot of thinking and creative skills to complete. I also think that there was a good balance between math and creative designing.

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