Loon Lake

This year in PLP I went on my first field study. The class was taken to a lodge and retreate area called Loon Lake. Through the course of the trip we were given a task to write about our trip in a book which is the main purpose of this post. I think that this trip showed me a lot about the outdoors as there were a lot of outdoor activities that I participated in, also the lodge is located in a large area of untouched forests. However for me I think that I learned more about my classmates and got to know some people that I don’t normally talk to better. This trip worked a lot on teamwork as there were lots of team activities for example we had to work together in groups to make a working shelter in the wilderness. My favourite team activity was when we went and played battle archery which is where we were given bows and arrows and had to shoot the other team with foam tipped arrows to win the game. Some highlights of the trip for me was the meals because they have a nice buffet style serving area and I found that it was a good break area to just talk to your friends while eating some great food. I also enjoyed just hanging out in the cabins where all the rooms are located as it was a chill place to relax on free time. Part way through the trip sadly a good few of my friends went home sick which made the trip alot less fun as most of my friends left leaving less to do, this made it especially hard to work on my DI project as my entire grouo was gone except one person and me however we still got some stuff done. Overall it was a fun trip and I hope to do more field studies in the future when there aren’t many more restrictions. Here is the book that I made talking more about my experience when I was there.

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