This was our first scimatics project of the year, and it was based around fractions and percentages. I think that it was quite a short project that only lasted about a week and a bit. The project was quite strait forward and was about seeing how much of our time we spend on screens/ electronics. We had to make a chart that showed how much time we spend on our devices in a week, mine looks like this: I am quite happy with how it looks the colours are nice and bright, the numbers are accurate and the pie charts make sense.
Understanding and visualizing: I did this best in the fractions and the math part of the project during the short quizzes that we had, I did well on them and got a good score. I also did well on the practice pages that we got and had some fun doing those questions as well.
Applying and innovating: I had a good time working with my desk partner (his blog), we helped each other on the project and homework assignments, we also compared our test scores and told each other what we did wrong.
Communicating and representing: I think I did this best while doing the screen time chart and the presentation of it by having clear information and facts and I think I did a good job communicating it all across during the presentation.
The end result of the project showed how much screen time we did and I was a bit surprised with my results. I had a grand total of 78 hours and 18 minutes of screen time that week around 37 of that was on my iPad, around 38 of that was on my computer and a small amount of time was spent on my TV and phone. I also tracked my sleep schedule and was happy with it, I got super consistent sleep hours with an average of 8 and a half hours each day with a total of 58 hours and 10 minutes throughout the week. I was slightly concerned with these numbers because by my calculations I spent over 3 days straight without breaks on screens this week.
In the end i think it was a fun project, I enjoyed finding how much screen time I had and I really liked doing our short presentations to the class.