Tectonic chances reflection

In this project the goal was to learn about the tectonic plates and their effects on the earth, then put our learning into a board game of our design. This was a group project, my partner was Mateo. We based our game off, of snakes and ladders but we wanted to add our own twist to it so on the end we integrated what we learned about tectonic plates into our game.

At the start of the project we were given our driving question which was “How are thematic and mathematic elements used in game design”.

I think that they are important in the probability of a game which is a big part of most games even if it is as simple as rolling a dice. I think that mathematics are also a big part of games as well, for example in monopoly how you have to add all of the money you have earned. I think that thematics are a big part because its hard to make a good game without having a theme to stick to. In my game our theme was tectonic plates, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes which are all related.

In the end i think that our game turned out well and looks really good. This is what it looks like:

The green section is supposed to represent earth and earthquakes, the blue is water and tsunamis, and the brown is a volcano. These are the three things that we learned about in this project.

Curricular competencies


I think that I demonstrated an understanding and appreciation of evidence throughout the project by showing images of my work and taking feedback and putting it into my project and assignments well. I think that I showed my understanding of the tasks well by trying to show most of my work in the math that we did as well as again, doing the feedback that was given.

Questioning and predicting:

I think that I did this well in the probability section of this project in the work sheets we did as well as the probability that we put into our board game. There were a lot of questions that I had in the start of the project, because at the time I didn’t know much about the topic, so we did a little mind map an the start and we put on it what we already new about the project an also some questions we had. Mine ended up like this:


Understanding and solving:

I think that I did well in the text book assignments we had were we read a few pages from a text book about the tectonic plates then we answered questions to the best of our understanding in a work sheet that we did after. I think I showed my problem solving skills well while making the project itself by finding the right pieces and spacing for the game. I also think i showed this by revising my work and adding the feedback that I got.

Over all I think it was quite a fun project and I learned quite a lot about the topic. It was also fun building a board game then showing it to the class and trying other peoples games. Over all it was a good project.

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