Second Blue Sky! (How it went down)

So from very far back into the year to the end we have been working on our very own blue sky projects, designed to help the world or make life easier etc. So I thought, what could really help the environment if done successfully? Water orbs!! Not just any though, these were meant to be a replacement for a plastic water bottle or close too it, my first draft was very good, the sizes were great, but they broke very easily. So I worked on putting more of the formula in to make a stronger molecular bind so the edible gel around the water was stronger and more resistant. These two ingredients calcium lactate, and sodium alginate, go together and create a chemical reaction creating a sphere or the scientific process called “spherication”  I wish I could have shown you some of my pictures but my ipad has been lost so I don’t have a way to add the photos into the blog. I hope you learned something new about my project!

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