Florida was crazy! (In a good way)

So here’s Florida, at the Walt Disney World, beautiful huh? They say it’s the place where happiness is bountiful.

Florida was one of the best trips yet and here’s some great evidence!

So we visited every park in Disney World, keep in mind that one Disney Land can fit in one of the Disney World parking lots! Huge place!

Here was my view when I first entered the famous “Magic Kingdom” park, crowded but an almost more medieval world, close to imaginary.

Another Great photo of the Walt and Mickey statue right infront of Cinderellas Castle.

Now we also did some great field School work and play time in the Universal Orlando Studios, it was a great park, lots of character but what it lacked in imagination it replaced with thrill.

Another greal expierience was at the Disney Animal Kingdom, now this park was filled with lots of animals, trees and themed rides that brought out a lot of real and imaginary feelings such as a safari truck/jeep ride that took you through the jungle filled with real animals and multiple biomes.


Now this ride “Expedition Everest” was my favourite ride in the Animal Kingdom, Fast, thrilling drops and turns and also some backstory and theme, for example when you are in the line queue you are examining photos of Everest, and mock up equipment and the important people to help you make your journey etc.

Next up is EPCOT, Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, which was in my view one of the less exiting parks had lots to offer. The world showcase was one of the coolest parts, a whole variety of countries ex. Germany, France, China and even Canada!

The next place we went to was the Kennedy Space Centre, it really amazed me. As you can see above was the first thing I saw when I walked in, multiple rockets, some replicas, and some real. It was a really cool experience because we learnt about the things the astronauts went through and all the amazing parts of space, and the best part was when we got to speak and take pictures with an actual astronaut! Very cool day.

So that just about sums up the best parts of Florida, I learnt many great things and had a great time while at it!

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