SLCs yay!

So it’s that time of the year, the Student Led Conferences and I’m going to talk about some great things throughout this start of the year, here are the reflections so far!

Work I am most proud of:

Very recently the whole class was working really hard putting together their DI projects and fine tuning them to make sure they were great for regionals! I am proud of my group because we had fun with it, rehearsed before time and had good acting. I felt this payed off when I found out we got first place and actually beat St. George’s team which was the team of the school we were competing at!

We completed the work together and by pushing hard in a short amount of time, I learnt that you always need to be prepared and keep your spirits up, even when you feel discouraged. I’m proud of this work because I feel that I put effort into this project and I my self planned my role and helped our team achieve DI goals. Here’s a link if you want to read more about that:

DI Regionals 2K17


An Example of my learning:

A few weeks ago the PLP class visited a beautiful warm sunny place called Orlando, Florida, to study about Walt Disney and the Imagineers special way to bring theme parks to life as well as studying what astronauts went through in training and in space at The Kennedy Space Centre and the ATX astronaut training experience, More about Florida here:

Florida was crazy! (In a good way)

I must say, it really entrigued me and made me think and research even on my own. I really feel it showed my learning because I spent more time and made way more effort to really let myself absorb all this information. I have compared my learning from the start of Seattle (our first field school) to Florida. In Seattle I felt I was learning but I could really apply myself way further and if I did that I could reach new and better things and goals. You can read more about Seattle here:

Throwback to Seattle!

My Growth Mindset

In PLP Humanities we had to read the book “Alice in Wonderland”, please tell me you’ve heard of it before, anyways after we read the book we had to write an Essay on our choice of two different topics, read about it here:

Alice and wonderland in an essay!

1) How does Carroll create a real imaginary world for his reader?
2) How are readers/viewers drawn to imaginary worlds?

I wrote my Essay on the first topic and it felt really bare, not because I didn’t fully finish it, it was because I didn’t support and reinforce my statement, which I have learned from both Ms Willemse and Mr Featherstone is very, very important, you need it to prove something and to conclude something. I felt I learned a lot more about that after I finished the Essay, that I need that, because it is a skill and I have a open growth mindset to do that because it applies to almost everything, University, Interviews, Etc. So now I have the mindset for the next time I have something like that, and I can use those skills precisely and properly! Here’s a picture of our “Good Copy” essays which I learned and expanded on. 

Three Goals:

Lastly I have three goals for the rest of the year that I will constantly be thinking about and applying to my work. One is to improve my open-ness, by that I mean I will be way more open to new suggestions and comments as well as feed back and expand my growth mindset, another goal is to keep working hard on my writing skills and to take all the critique and feedback I can, and my last goal is to ask lots and lots of questions to make sure I can exceed my learning.

I hope you really heard me out on my reflections of my work and I will keep striving to do my best work for the rest of the year!


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