DI Provincials Rundown

In PLP all of the DI groups were adding their finishing touches to their creations before the big Provincial Tournament. Here’s how it went from my perspective, if you didn’t already know, I’m Quinn Helgason and I’m in the group H2.0, other members include: Tyler Newell, Makyla Slater, Will Buckingham, and Makyla Slater. Here’s a picture of the group in action at this tournament, (except for Makyla, she was unable to come)

Here’s a little overview of our groups story, World War III is upon us in 2056 and robots are attempting to take over the world, Tyler Newell acts as a double agent and is attempting to sabotage our mission to stop the robots, thankfully we catch him, and the world is saved!

I feel we did a good job on the Instant Challenge portion of this tournament, and really showed our groups work and effort as a team. In the end we got first placeĀ in the performance and the instant challenge! I hope all the rest of the groups enjoyed this aswell!


The Role Models of my Life

So everyone has a role model or many role models, and this blog post is about those role models we all have, we all gain inspiration from someone, or look up to them, or even want to follow in their footprints.

So in the PLP class, we were assigned to making an diagram of 5 different role models in our lives. And we had to write a paragraph for each of them, explaining how and why they were your ole models and what’s special in them that leads you to wanting to follow in their footsteps. So I made my diagram using photoshop, and I thought you the audience would like to see it. It’s not Pablo Picasso or anything so enjoy.

So my role models are: Rakim Mayers-(A$AP Rocky)-rapper, Atticus Mitchell-Actor, God, O’Shea Jackson- Ice Cube-Rapper, Jimi Hendrix-Guitarist, and the last picture is myself (I apologize, it’s a little cut off)