Religion Fieldtrips!

In the past month the Navig8 class has visited some very cool religious sites! I am happy to share some of the pictures and experiences from these trips, Enjoy!

First we visited the Vedic Cultural Centre where we learned about the many Hindu practices, aswell as the many Gods and Deities. Each God did something special and amazing (Blew me away). I loved visiting this place. image

Next we visited the Thrangu Monastery. Very Cool place as we got to meet a real Tibetan Monk and we had our chance to ask him some great questions! The interior was amazing, full of life. We learnt many interesting facts about Bhuddism and it was overall a great experience.



After that we visited another temple named the Ling Yen Mountain Temple, which what amazed me the most was the amazing exterior of the building and how it was built. We learned about another type of Buddhism which was very cool.


Next was the Nanaksar Gurdwara Gursikh Temple and it was amazing!!! First when we went inside we had to cover our heads for respect, then we came to the cafeteria, where we ate the most delightful vegetarian meal I’ve ever eaten! It consisted of A vegetable curry on top of rice, naan with a yogurt dipping sauce, eggplant, potato, and my favourite: rice pudding! Then we went on to see their worship room and got taught about meditation and the Sikh religion.


A few days later we visited a Synagogue. Great experience to learn about the Jewish traditions and the Torah. We were taught to always thank God for our health even after we went to the washroom. The building was amazing, it had a natural modern theme.


And we went to St. Andrews Christian Church. It was interesting to even learn about my own religion. I loved the architecture and the history of the Church. Wonderful place! Wonderful time!

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And Finally we visited a Mosque (sorry I’m afraid I forgot the name). The mosque was amazing! We learned about some of the Muslim traditions and overall it was an amazing place!



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