Last SLC for the Year!

So here is my amazing SLC blog post, jeez haven’t done this in a while “let me just crack my knuckles”.

So today I have three topics to talk about to you people? viewers?

-One thing I am most proud of

One thing I am not proud of

My reflection on my work

One thing I am most proud of:

One of the things I am very proud of is my Destination Imagination project as me and my group worked any time that we could so that when we went to the tournament we were ready and pumped up to go perform! I had so much fun being the main character in the skit, it was a great experience!

Our first time we came Second Place but we had so much fun and we won an award because of how outstanding our story was and how it was presented. Then we moved onto provincials and we tried really hard and came second again but this time with a trophy and medals. In the end we all thanked each other because we all worked so greatly together.

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One thing I am not proud of:

Sometimes we always have something that we aren’t that proud of because of different reasons. I’m not that proud of my SciMathics light project. I tried hard and I made a functioning creation that showed all:

  • colour
  • opacity
  • translucency
  • Transparency
  • A prism
  • a cylinder
  • reflection
  • refraction
  • Information about Ibn-al-haythem

I just felt that at the exhibition it was so small and it didn’t really even stand out, it was just sitting there surrounded by huge cardboard boxes with big projects in them. But I will give myself this, it was small but effective and I felt it delivered a decent message, but hey there was definitely room for improvement.

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My reflection on my work:

So far this year has been a great hard worked year, that does need some improvements. Like for example, sometimes I didn’t get stuff in on time. Some of my other projects were iffy like the Worldview Explain Everything, I forgot a lot of key components and parts of my worldview.

I really love working in groups, its always a blast! Especially when we get to perform or do plays, that just makes my day because I’m used to lots of performing. I’m really focusing on the things I can make much better for next year and I want to excel better than this year!

Read Last SLC Blog Post:

Well that’s all I’ve got and I really hope you enjoyed listening to my SLC Blog Post!

Peace, Quinn

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