Metaphor Machine Post!

Recently in the PLP classroom we have been discussing about Crane Brintons Theory and how it changed the whole concept of a revolution. Below is a diagram I drew of part of the crane brinton theory, but it is very simple as its only purpose is to show the timeline of a revolution.


There it is, pretty simple right? Not really, it shows how the symptoms start as Phase 1 which is when Intellectual people disagree with the government and the rest of the phases get worse until Phase 4 when it slowly declines back to normal.

I believe that Crane Brintons Theory completely took over the new Idea for a revolution. As you will see in this video I provide for you below there will be some more explanation on the revolutions that “Actually Happened”.

I found this video very interesting as he gives you a little bit more of a backstory, what people don’t like, why the government collapses, etc.

Without the Theory I don’t think any of us would have a proper understanding of what happens all the time, just some bigger and more famous than others. Now we have knowledge and we know when government officials can mess up two, but remember even that, a small mistake could lead to a revolution.

My Question

How did Crane Britton actually come up with his theory. Well we already know that he based it on the stage of a fever or virus like a metaphor.

So I started my research and began to look for a good reason why he made this theory. Brinton says that a fever is like a revolution, nobody wants one but they always happen.

The Radicals Always Triumph Brinton says, they work better, have better rules. It’s almost as if Brinton has had a revolutionary past, but we have to understand that for Brinton to write the book, he would have to be a part or have something to do with revolutions.

I found that Brinton wanted to create this for all of the world so that we as a group could have a better understanding and knowledge of how these happen, and the different stages like a cycle of anything, a very easy metaphor to write about if you ask me.

I hope you learned something new, Quinn.

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