Choo choo!

In class and for homework we have been working on a “Visual Essay” so to start the process of making this essay, we use the app Explain Everything


This app is very helpful because you can animate pictures and record while having a voiceover and drawings and soo much more, but I wont get too into this because I am going to share my Railroad Visual Essay drafts with you!

First Draft:

So here is my first draft, the process of creating this was very silent, and at the time when I thought about it I said to my self “it’ll be fine” but it wasn’t quite at the level I wanted it to be, especially because there were long pauses with almost nothing there and I know I could go a step further. In this draft I do appreciate my pictures and animations and the one I’m most proud of is all of these little homes dotting Britain. But  back to the quietness, I thought for my final and second draft I could fill up these spaces with more talking and pictures, aswell as animation and if you watch both videos, you can see a big difference.

So after all that I decided to begin my Second Draft

Second Draft:

In this second draft I show many changes and I show the effect of the railway way better in my and my classmates opinions. This second post had more pictures and animation along with wayy more voiceover to fill those empty gaps. So I guess it really changed.

Hope you enjoyed this post.



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