My Awesome Dream House!

So in Scimatics we have been working on our “Dream Houses” for a while. Basically we got these packages where we worked on graphed house designes, then we designed our own and had to make it in a program that could show you what the house actually looked like.

The House:

So the program we chose for it was Minecraft and we used it because the graph uses little squares that are similar to the blocks in minecraft, so it was easier to make. And here it is,


As you can see, it is a beautiful log house selling for $2 million and the process was tricky. I don’t have anymore photos at the moment but you can see the detailing and it is an exact representation of our blueprint. So Michael, Reid and I made a great house and a great presentation. I hope you learned that you can get creative with different programs, even if it is designed for a different purpose like minecraft.

So long



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