Midway Blog Post!

So far the Metaphor Machine project has been going very well! We have been making great progress and here are some pictures and videos of it so far.

img_4038 I don’t have access to a lot of media currently.

So far I have been working on part of the construction of our actual machine, including the little pathways for the marbles so they can roll through and have a purpose and on the side I am working on creating small plastic trees, out of a 3D pen.

Being from the Xinhai revolution, we are currently studying how the opium and emporers impacted China. The group works great together aswell and we have some chemistry from knowing eachother for a year, and we always have something to do. Sometimes we have to do work that’s not very fun to do, but we always make it work.

There are some very interesting metaphors in here, tieing in to the 3D pen work with trees and crops, there is going to be water flowing through them, therefore creating a effect like there was in one of China’s famines in the revolution. We also have a set of moving gears in our machine, that will get slowed/stopped by some paper poppies, because opium comes from the stem of opiate poppies, and opium was shipped from the west to china so the people and rulers could become weak and the west could take over.

This will be updated, don’t worry!

So long,


My Awesome Dream House!

So in Scimatics we have been working on our “Dream Houses” for a while. Basically we got these packages where we worked on graphed house designes, then we designed our own and had to make it in a program that could show you what the house actually looked like.

The House:

So the program we chose for it was Minecraft and we used it because the graph uses little squares that are similar to the blocks in minecraft, so it was easier to make. And here it is,


As you can see, it is a beautiful log house selling for $2 million and the process was tricky. I don’t have anymore photos at the moment but you can see the detailing and it is an exact representation of our blueprint. So Michael, Reid and I made a great house and a great presentation. I hope you learned that you can get creative with different programs, even if it is designed for a different purpose like minecraft.

So long



Choo choo!

In class and for homework we have been working on a “Visual Essay” so to start the process of making this essay, we use the app Explain Everything


This app is very helpful because you can animate pictures and record while having a voiceover and drawings and soo much more, but I wont get too into this because I am going to share my Railroad Visual Essay drafts with you!

First Draft:

So here is my first draft, the process of creating this was very silent, and at the time when I thought about it I said to my self “it’ll be fine” but it wasn’t quite at the level I wanted it to be, especially because there were long pauses with almost nothing there and I know I could go a step further. In this draft I do appreciate my pictures and animations and the one I’m most proud of is all of these little homes dotting Britain. But  back to the quietness, I thought for my final and second draft I could fill up these spaces with more talking and pictures, aswell as animation and if you watch both videos, you can see a big difference.

So after all that I decided to begin my Second Draft

Second Draft:

In this second draft I show many changes and I show the effect of the railway way better in my and my classmates opinions. This second post had more pictures and animation along with wayy more voiceover to fill those empty gaps. So I guess it really changed.

Hope you enjoyed this post.



Second Metaphor Machine Blog Post!!

UWell folks, looks like it’s time for a second blog post!! Everyone excited?


Looks like I’ll have to do it anyway. So with out further or do,

Heres My Great Question!

Are There Steampunk Weapons?

I did some research and found many cool things, so I will share with you some steampunk weapons and then show you one of my own!

You can see this mechanical masterpiece and it shows all these great wonderful steampunk features, gears, bolts, cranks, and various metals like brass and copper.

Here’s a great second one and it shows so many steampunk aspects, looks even more steampunk than the one above to me.

And now it’s time for my steampunk weapon, but for a change I made it a melee weapon, basically a sword or axe and so on.


And here it is!  Here is my hand illustrated steampunk weapon and I’ll explain to you all of it. As you can see, it is designed like a double-sided axe but instead of axe blades it’s rotating gears, there are three piston switches that control the spinning of all three sharp gears…


Then on the right side of the middle shaft it shows some glass circuitry which lights up from an electric spark when you press the gear buttons. Pretty steampunk huh? And finally I tried to illustrate some wood finishing and brass bolts.

So after all this research and good fun, we have an answer to my question, Steampunk weapons are very popular and made by a lot of people. Today was a great topic, and I hope you learned something new too, okay that’s all!



Metaphor Machine Post!

Recently in the PLP classroom we have been discussing about Crane Brintons Theory and how it changed the whole concept of a revolution. Below is a diagram I drew of part of the crane brinton theory, but it is very simple as its only purpose is to show the timeline of a revolution.


There it is, pretty simple right? Not really, it shows how the symptoms start as Phase 1 which is when Intellectual people disagree with the government and the rest of the phases get worse until Phase 4 when it slowly declines back to normal.

I believe that Crane Brintons Theory completely took over the new Idea for a revolution. As you will see in this video I provide for you below there will be some more explanation on the revolutions that “Actually Happened”.

I found this video very interesting as he gives you a little bit more of a backstory, what people don’t like, why the government collapses, etc.

Without the Theory I don’t think any of us would have a proper understanding of what happens all the time, just some bigger and more famous than others. Now we have knowledge and we know when government officials can mess up two, but remember even that, a small mistake could lead to a revolution.

My Question

How did Crane Britton actually come up with his theory. Well we already know that he based it on the stage of a fever or virus like a metaphor.

So I started my research and began to look for a good reason why he made this theory. Brinton says that a fever is like a revolution, nobody wants one but they always happen.

The Radicals Always Triumph Brinton says, they work better, have better rules. It’s almost as if Brinton has had a revolutionary past, but we have to understand that for Brinton to write the book, he would have to be a part or have something to do with revolutions.

I found that Brinton wanted to create this for all of the world so that we as a group could have a better understanding and knowledge of how these happen, and the different stages like a cycle of anything, a very easy metaphor to write about if you ask me.

I hope you learned something new, Quinn.

Last SLC for the Year!

So here is my amazing SLC blog post, jeez haven’t done this in a while “let me just crack my knuckles”.

So today I have three topics to talk about to you people? viewers?

-One thing I am most proud of

One thing I am not proud of

My reflection on my work

One thing I am most proud of:

One of the things I am very proud of is my Destination Imagination project as me and my group worked any time that we could so that when we went to the tournament we were ready and pumped up to go perform! I had so much fun being the main character in the skit, it was a great experience!

Our first time we came Second Place but we had so much fun and we won an award because of how outstanding our story was and how it was presented. Then we moved onto provincials and we tried really hard and came second again but this time with a trophy and medals. In the end we all thanked each other because we all worked so greatly together.

Read More:


One thing I am not proud of:

Sometimes we always have something that we aren’t that proud of because of different reasons. I’m not that proud of my SciMathics light project. I tried hard and I made a functioning creation that showed all:

  • colour
  • opacity
  • translucency
  • Transparency
  • A prism
  • a cylinder
  • reflection
  • refraction
  • Information about Ibn-al-haythem

I just felt that at the exhibition it was so small and it didn’t really even stand out, it was just sitting there surrounded by huge cardboard boxes with big projects in them. But I will give myself this, it was small but effective and I felt it delivered a decent message, but hey there was definitely room for improvement.

Read More:


My reflection on my work:

So far this year has been a great hard worked year, that does need some improvements. Like for example, sometimes I didn’t get stuff in on time. Some of my other projects were iffy like the Worldview Explain Everything, I forgot a lot of key components and parts of my worldview.

I really love working in groups, its always a blast! Especially when we get to perform or do plays, that just makes my day because I’m used to lots of performing. I’m really focusing on the things I can make much better for next year and I want to excel better than this year!

Read Last SLC Blog Post:


Well that’s all I’ve got and I really hope you enjoyed listening to my SLC Blog Post!

Peace, Quinn

Museum Exhibit!

About a week or two ago there has been some heavy work, mainly focused on museums along with sailing expeditions and how trade and exploration was implemented into the lives of many across the world. So we started on another group based project together and made amazing things. My group worked on an amazing exhibit where visitors could play a well though game our group came up with where you roll a dice and say it lands on 6 then you have 600 dollars and then you roll one other dice that determines what ship you get. Then with that money you buy items that you feel what would help you on your journey the most and at the end of your simulation our group tells you how good you did and how your decisions were. Once again I’m sorry I lost my Ipad so I can not access any photos.

Poetry iBook | My Job for it.

So a while back in the plp class, we had been learning a lot about poetry and had lots of fun making our own poems in the process. For a final challenge, the whole class was put into different working groups all focusing on one goal, to make a poetry iBook. So we all had an online poll to see who would like to do which job, as there were many to pick from. So I made my choice and I got it! Musician, our group was in-charge of making the music for the videographers and their videos, as well as parts of the book with Explain Everything projects implemented. So we had a long but fun journey on garage band making use of our musical skill for the better of the class. Garage Band had great tools such as real instruments you could play and you could also use loops and electronic features to make different types of music in different genres!

screen640x640      garageband-110310-2

Second Blue Sky! (How it went down)

So from very far back into the year to the end we have been working on our very own blue sky projects, designed to help the world or make life easier etc. So I thought, what could really help the environment if done successfully? Water orbs!! Not just any though, these were meant to be a replacement for a plastic water bottle or close too it, my first draft was very good, the sizes were great, but they broke very easily. So I worked on putting more of the formula in to make a stronger molecular bind so the edible gel around the water was stronger and more resistant. These two ingredients calcium lactate, and sodium alginate, go together and create a chemical reaction creating a sphere or the scientific process called “spherication”  I wish I could have shown you some of my pictures but my ipad has been lost so I don’t have a way to add the photos into the blog. I hope you learned something new about my project!

Scimathics | Raven Brings the Light

My project represents how raven brought the light, and the theory of light like Ibn al-Haytham. The main project creation of mine is a black raven with a Salish design on its wings and tail, the main feature is to refract light, refraction is just light being deflected into another medium or method out of the Ravens beak through a convex lens, or a lens that curves outward that is transparent so all the light passes through, and it shows that the raven brought the light. It also has a mirror that reflects the light and mirrors the light to make the same image, just reflecting onto before it is refracted to a translucent lens, the translucent lens only lets some light pass through, which when light shines through nothing is in its way or being absorbed and that light goes out of the wing. There is one more thing which is the opaque side, which doesn’t have any light shining through because no light can pass through as it is completely blocked, but it also represents the darkness of the world before the raven brought the light, and it scientifically works too so bonus! My hope is to have a small flashlight inside the raven so it shines out of the beak and refracts out of the convex transparent lens. My project raven is translational symmetry because everything is mirrored. And that’s what my science project is based on.R