Artist, Thinker, Scientist Visual Representation


As you can see this is a drawing of mine, not just any drawing though. It represents three important people an Artist, a Thinker, and a Scientist from three different locations.

Heres the scoop:

Recently in the PLP class we have been working on finding out information for three different people each student, an artist, scientist, and thinker. These people are from the reneisance era and have many interesting things about them. So after researching about all of them, we decided to start making diagrams about what there people all bring together. As you can see at the top of the page there is my second draft which shows the three things that are popular in my peoples places they grew up in. It shows that it doesn’t matter where you are from but you can always have similar ideas. The pyramid shows where Ptolemy the great scientist grew up, Egypt! The church roof shows where Sandro Botticeli grew up, Florence! And the glass of white wine represents where Petrarch grew up, Tuscany!


And here ire was the first draft, I made the mountains without meaning so I had a lot to change. I hope you enjoyed my totally amazing drawings.


Religion Fieldtrips!

In the past month the Navig8 class has visited some very cool religious sites! I am happy to share some of the pictures and experiences from these trips, Enjoy!

First we visited the Vedic Cultural Centre where we learned about the many Hindu practices, aswell as the many Gods and Deities. Each God did something special and amazing (Blew me away). I loved visiting this place. image

Next we visited the Thrangu Monastery. Very Cool place as we got to meet a real Tibetan Monk and we had our chance to ask him some great questions! The interior was amazing, full of life. We learnt many interesting facts about Bhuddism and it was overall a great experience.



After that we visited another temple named the Ling Yen Mountain Temple, which what amazed me the most was the amazing exterior of the building and how it was built. We learned about another type of Buddhism which was very cool.


Next was the Nanaksar Gurdwara Gursikh Temple and it was amazing!!! First when we went inside we had to cover our heads for respect, then we came to the cafeteria, where we ate the most delightful vegetarian meal I’ve ever eaten! It consisted of A vegetable curry on top of rice, naan with a yogurt dipping sauce, eggplant, potato, and my favourite: rice pudding! Then we went on to see their worship room and got taught about meditation and the Sikh religion.


A few days later we visited a Synagogue. Great experience to learn about the Jewish traditions and the Torah. We were taught to always thank God for our health even after we went to the washroom. The building was amazing, it had a natural modern theme.


And we went to St. Andrews Christian Church. It was interesting to even learn about my own religion. I loved the architecture and the history of the Church. Wonderful place! Wonderful time!

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And Finally we visited a Mosque (sorry I’m afraid I forgot the name). The mosque was amazing! We learned about some of the Muslim traditions and overall it was an amazing place!



My Band!


You probably don’t know this but I’m in a band!

Theres me up top, yes I am a lead singer and am going to be doing a gig on live tv, and I am going to be interviewed on radio.

Btw : the wacky costume was for our 80s concert.

I love the feeling of being up in front of a crowd and singing, it feels amazing! When we sung a U2 song we got the crowd to turn on their phone flashlights and wave them in the dark – magical experience.


Theres me on the right, I did a collaboration with another band!

Well, that’s all for now and I hope you all learned something new about me!


Here’s my post for my “Student Led Conference”. What I am most proud of is either the DI project where I was the main character in the play and testing of the machine or my Blue Sky project as I put lots of time and effort into that and I still had lots of fun! The work I think I showed the most growth in was one of our socrative quizzes, as I showed all of what I learned in class, as me and my partner had very good answers, and got only 1 or 2 questions wrong. And the work that showed my growth mindset would probably have to be part of the DI project as all of us thought we weren’t gonna do good or make a functioning vehicle, but I believed and we were successful in many things, such as the “Divinci” award, which was the only solo award in the whole tournament.

I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and learned some cool things that I have accomplished.

Julius Caesar – Play|Aftermath

A while back all of the PLP class did different plays based on different scenes of the famous Julius Caesar play. Except the only difference of the play, was that we put a modern twist on it so it was like present life now. We all did great plays and I thought it was a wonderful experience, we came up with our own scenarios, costumes and script.  My groups play was based on act 2 scene 3 of the Julius Caesar play and was modernized into a classroom president election Sofia and I were both main characters and acted as Brad and Ana, the two competitors for the election, we had similar things to the actual play, such as when Brutus “Brad” killed the class pet or hamster, and Antony “Ana” pointed that out to make the kids of the school sad and vote for her. Overall the play was wonderful, and I hope I get an experience like that again.

Here are some pictures of the play:

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Me as my character “Brad”

DI Project Regional Tournament, Review and Debreifing

Recently the whole PLP class has been working very hard on their DI (Destinaton Imagination) projects, and we have recently finished our tournaments. Each DI group had a different challenge, there was four groups of us and each of our groups had 1 different challenge. My group had the technical challenge “Pace of Change”, where we built a vehicle that carried one of our team members: me, the vehicle had to be propelled by a motor or something along those lines. The next challenge was the Scientific challenge “In Plain Sight” where you studied organisms and how they camouflage. After that came the Structural challenge “Musical Mashup” Where you made a musical structure that could be played and support weight. And finally the Fine Arts challenge “Get a Clue” where you almost make up a 90’s mystery show.

At the tournament all of us had a great time and lots of challenges, at the end of our tournament the awards ceremony promised us many things, and all of the teams did great, and my team, the pace of change group won the only solo award “The Divinci Award” for a creative story. Anyways the tournament went very well for all of us and we made a great finish to make it to provincials.

Here are some pictures of our tournament.


The end bow.


The end awards ceremony picture!

Next our group got invited to provincials! This was another great experience, and there were kids from China and Alberta too. Before we went, we made a few changes to our vehicle and set off to finish in second place!

I am hoping we can make it to globals to really show our creation and creativity. Our group works and has already worked really well together. DI is a wonderful place to show what you and your classmates can do! I hope we can make it to globals, as there will be 8 wildcards, meaning 8 different teams will be picked to go to the global championships in Tennessee.


Split a needle! Part 2

Hello, I did not split the needle this time (in case the name confused you). Anyways I finished my sewing group project, and would like to share with you my project from start to finish and our group story. So before you get confused about what my quilt is, it is a sailboat/raft, the blue triangles represent the ocean, the red triangle represents blood as our main character is shot by enemies (explained later on), and the orange triangle is the sail.


In the picture below you can see my quilt, and, if you look closely you can see I am sewing one of the blue triangles. I outlined the blue with some lighter blue to compliment it and give it a pure, sleek look.




Secondly, I sewed a shiny red onto the red triangle to accent the red and make it stand out more, as if it were shining.


After that I worked on the orange sail, and over the outline I sewed some light orange to make it “appear” more and look more vibrant.





And, finally, I took the wooden, rectangular part of the boat and once again outlined it. This time I took some dark brown thread and carefully stitched it through to make it look simple and minimalistic.




After all that sewing, I finished, so here are the pictures of the quilt front and back.




As you can see below, all the stitching was fairly close together, that was a challenge as I almost overlapped other thread at times.




And the final product, in my opinion, turned out pretty well!


Here’s a whole bunch of links from my group for the other parts of the story.

Part 1: Calum’s Part:

One day there was a young man named Juno, he didn’t have very many friends or family, although, everybody knew him. His mother had died when he was young, and his father abandoned him, so he was very lonely. Every morning he would get up and do the same thing over and over again, but this day was different, because as he was sipping his morning cup of coffee he heard cries for help just outside his house. He courageously ran out and saw people running and heard and saw gun fire.

Part 2: Mimi’s Part:

He grabbed as many people as he could and ran to the nearby forest they ran for miles until everybody was out of breath by now it was getting dark and everybody was getting very tired so they decided to go to sleep. The next day everybody decided that they would go around the coast instead of back through the village, everybody thought that was the safest way. They walked for days on end and many people were very wounded, so they slowly died as they were walking. Finally they got to the village after surviving off of berries and water from the streams, everybody was famished so they ran to the nearest shop but something was wrong, nobody was out on the streets.

Part 3: My Part for my Quilt Square (explained).

They then decided to take a boat off to another island (which was their original plan) as they were leaving the dock they heard cries for help. Juno jumped out of the boat and pointed the lady to the direction of the boat and just as she got in there was a person with a gun shooting at the boat, so they quickly steered away, nobody was hurt until they realized Juno was bleeding.

Part 4: Aiden’s Part:

After boating for a few days Juno begun to slowly become weaker from the infected wound and eventually died.

Part 5: Angela’s Part:

The rest of the people kept on boating until they reached an island with lots of fish and other food they decided to stay at the island, after a few years a civilization was created and it has named after Juno in honour of his bravery.

That concludes my humongous blog post! See you in the next post!