Split a needle!

Hello, it’s me again sorry for the accidental Adele reference but yesterday I started sewing my quilt for my group project, the project has a whole storyline and you’ll see what I’m sewing in the video below. All my life I’ve never really sewn that much, sure I saw my mom occasionally sewing ripped dresses or sweaters. I played a interesting role in my group which was coming up with the character name and some interesting abstract art. We had five people in our group including me. The challenges I had were sewing part of the quilt because when you flip it onto the back its just a plain sheet so you don’t know where you are going. After all it’s a wonderful experience.

Click here to see my wonderful boring sewing:

A special reflection, for 3 special ads?!?!

Hello everyone, you probably don’t know about the ads our teachers let us make! It was a wonderful experience and after lots of critique and feedback we made these wonderful ads, this is my favourite by far. For these advertisements we used three different apps, Canva, Phoster and Comic Life. Three very good apps, I used Canva the most out of all of them.

image                                                                                                                              Now that you see the wonderful effort put into this one look at the next! For me the critique was soooo helpful to getting me closer and closer to a better ad. When ever you are doing something like a project or poem, ask your friends or teachers: what could be better? There’s always room for improvement!

image                                                                                                                                  This is my second and I like my use of colours and pictures! I’ve had to not only add different photos, I had to edit them multiple time with and without borders and filters. Take a look at the best for last!

image                                                                                                                                 So yeah…… It’s something at least. As you can see this one does have some room for improvement but it’s better than the first draft! So there you have it three wonderful ads (exception to the last one) Later! 🙂




So I recently partook in a quiz online titled “what star wars character are you?”, so here’s what happened.


Well, as you can see I’m chewbacca, which I’ll be honest is quite accurate because I am good at some mechanical things and after all I have a few friends. But ultimately chewy reminds me of a nice quaker snack bar, Yummy…..