How does revolutions transform societies?

Revolutions transform societies by reforming it’s political structure and fundamentally changing people’s lifestyles, this is my answer to the driving question of this project. In this project we learned about revolutions, we studied crane Brinton’s theory on revolutions and had to build three different Rube Goldberg machines to represent his theory, the French Revolution, and […]

New France

Hi guys it’s me Randy again, today is a special day. Me and my classmates fished our projects and we are ready to move on, summer break is tomorrow and today is my last day of being a grade 8, and at this point I’m going to be reflecting on my last humanities project.   […]

My own comic book

Hi guys it’s your boy Randy again, Today I’m gonna reflect on a project that I just finished, it was scimatics and humanities combined project and the final product was a comic book. Though out the whole project we learned how do cells and diseases interact, and what is the historical significance of  my chosen explorer-Magellan. […]