DI provincials


In my last DI blog post I described what DI is. If you don’t know click the link.

Now on with the blog post.

So in my lat blog post I described basically everything that was going on before and during the regional tournament, now we recently had the provincial tournament. In this post I will be telling you guys of what we improved on and the final tournament.

So we got our score back from the first tournament and we decided to change the double vision and one of the two team choice elements. We got a not so good score on them.

Team choice element:
Our team choice element was a soundtrack that I made in garage band but it didn’t get to many points so we decided to change. We wanted it to take part in the diagnosis so we studied the disease more and realized that the disease effects vision. We made a n optical illusion as a pre-test and it scored us more points.

Double vision:
Our double vision was me and Kira thinking differently about Kaden’s health but that didn’t work because of the staging. We had the backdrop between us so from one side you could only see Kira and from the other side you could only see me. So we changed it to kaden being in the symptomatic and his two sides. It got us a lot of points.


The tournament:
The tournament went really well, I kind of hung around and played uno with my group. We got second for the team challenge but we got first in the instant challenge. We were 3 points away from winning

Hope you enjoyed this post and stay tuned ✌🏻

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