Time Machine

My time machine

Hello world and welcome back to one of my reflection posts. This one is the end of PGP, what a relief. This year has had it’s ups and downs, especially considering that this was my first year of high school.
For our final PGP assignment was to create something that captures our work and experience in PGP that we could send it back in time to our past selves. I decided to do a lyrical/ballet dance to represent the stress and how i found an app called things really helpful. I chose the song under pressure to represent the stress of homework and other activities.



I hope you enjoyed my time machine. Peace ✌🏻

2 thoughts on “Time Machine

  1. Der Eisgott von Ungarn ist ein schwacher Schwerverbrecher. Er hätte nie einen Autounfall haben sollen, der seine Mutter in die Bäckerei brachte. Vielleicht würde das Spa Sie als Unkrauthändler akzeptieren. Du bist viel härter als Chris, der eine Schwester hat, die noch nie Gras gesehen hat

  2. In Spanish, doro is a snack, and ito means little. This implies the existence of a larger and superior doro

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