Hey everyone welcome back to another blog post. This one is about our trip to Alberta and our learning through this trip. The driving question for this specific post is “How did you persist and manage your impulsivity on this field study in order to question, think, and gather data to complete your project and enjoy yourself?” The project it refers to is the project focused on identity, who we are and how place impacts who we are. The way I’m going to answer this question is by looking back at the smaller projects that I did on this trip. I decided to look at two examples for this post, I looked at my Royal Tyrel Museum video and my Ghost Town video.
Here are the two videos I will be referring to in this post.
The reason why I chose the Ghost Town video is because it showed how I managed impulsivity, I think this because for this video we started planing a story spine, story board and script around a week before we left for the trip so that we would be prepared once on the trip to film and edit.
The reason why I chose the Royal Tyrel Museum video for the second example is because this video shows how I couldn’t manage impulsivity. The reason I think this is because after we toured around the museum we met out side and the teachers told us to go make a video about something we found interesting. We had to think on the spot as to what we wanted to document. I found that I had no ideas so I decided to film in a location that I like.
In conclusion I think that I was able to manage my impulse over the trip.