Combining like terms

Hey there, welcome back to my blog. Recently we have been learning about combining like terms. The first thing we did was a mini project where we had to build something out of lego and then search up the cost of each brick we used, we decided to create a house type thing. We ended up making a very big model.

Afterwards we learned a lot about like terms. How polynomial meant more than 3 terms, binomial meant 2 terms, trinomial meant 3 terms and monomial meant 1 term. A term is when there is a variable for example X.

We learned more about all the key facts and terminology for combining like terms.

While we were working through like terms me and Ally partnered up and started on our project. This first thing we needed to do was create a poster that outlines our project and what we hope to accomplish, we wanted to put our strengths together and create the best project ever.

We decided to create an architectural model made with popsicle and use like terms to estimate how many popsicle sticks we used. After that we started creating our model. This took around a week and a half to two weeks to construct. After finishing the construction we did the math. This took a while since we had three stories and used a lot of popsicle sticks. Once done the math we started on our presentation, the first thing we did was make the keynote, For delete we started with an intro page math page summary page driving question page and results page and then once we finished our keynote we made a short summarize script that we could expand on.

Once it got to presenting day we had everything ready but one thing happened, one of our levels broke in half but luckily did not ruin the presentation. The presentation went great and at the end we did a surprise instant challenge where we had our class in groups make the tallest thing out of 10 popsicle sticks in 2 minutes. Everyone did amazing but there were no clear winners.

In conclusion although this project was short it was a lot of fun and I think I learned a lot from it.

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